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| Memorial Hall DocumentationThe main repository for all Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall policies, guidance and related documentation. Memorial Hall COVID Guidance and Procedures. Following Lockdown, Village and Community Halls were able to accommodate indoor sport and exercise, dancing classes and certain other performance-related activity from 25th July 2020. Memorial Hall Conveyance (and Constitution) 1953 The present Hall was built in 1967 and commemorates the lives and sacrifice of those villagers who fell in the two World Wars. The Hall was not the first such structure on the site - it had been preceded by a more fragile building which was destroyed by fire on the 10th January 1966. This Conveyance sets out the legal basis on which the Memorial Hall and its management are established and serves as the Constitution for the Memorial Hall Management Committee. Memorial Hall Booking Form . . . and related matters including:
Memorial Hall Insurance, Licenses and Certificates . . . including:
MPLC Rightsholders:
For an up-to-date list of film companies and distrubutors covered by the MPLC Umbrella Licence go to: Logic Fire and Security Certificates Memorial Hall Management Policies and Procedures . . . including:
Memorial Hall Documentation The main repository for all Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall policies, guidance and related documentation. |