Our Memorial Hall was built to honour the fallen in two world wars and give thanks to those who returned. It is appropriate therefore that we play our full part in the national celebrations and village activities are planned for May 8th VE-Day and Saturday May 10th 2025
Remembering Hampsthwaite’s Blind Joiner - an article by Shaun WilsonLike the market town of Knaresborough, who had ‘Blind Jack’ – John Metcalf, the road builder of Yorkshire in the eighteenth century, the small rural village of Hampsthwaite had it’s blind hero also, almost a century later – Peter Barker who became known as ‘The Blind Joiner of Hampsthwaite.’ Though there are some similarities between John Metcalf and Peter Barker’s lives, these are purely co-incidental and each fulfilled a life, character and career in their own right.
JANE RIDSDALEAged 33 years, born at Hampsthwaite, near Harrogate, Yorkshire, her height is 31 ½ inches.She is remarkably chearfull & enjoys very good health.Published July 1st 1807 by Jane Ridstale, at Harrogate where purchasers of this Print will have the opportunity of seeing and conversing with her
Joshua Tetley was the founder of Tetley’s Brewery in Leeds, and he retired with his wife Hannah to Hollins Hall on the outskirts of Hampsthwaite (Hollins Hall Retirement Village).
Arsenic Poisoning in Hampsthwaite - The Execution of Hannah Whitley
In 1789, Hannah Whitley of Hampsthwaite used a pie as the delivery medium for a fatal dose of arsenic, with the poison concentrated in the crust. She claimed She had been coerced into the act of poisoning by her employer, a local linen weaver named Horseman, who was involved in an on-going feud with the intended victim.
SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE!
Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket
Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages
Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please!
Hot & Cold Drinks
Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past
Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials
. . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am
. . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE)
Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall
Plant sales - many named varieties of plants
Delicious homemade refreshments
Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
Free genealogy websites will help you start your family history research at no cost as listed by the 'Who Do You Think You Are' magazine.
Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
A highly successful composer of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Amy Woodforde-Finden, together with her husband and step-son, is laid to rest in the churchyard of St Thomas à Becket Parish Church. Inside the church there is an impressive marble monument of her, created by the renowned sculptor George Edward Wade. It was unveiled in 1923 and a few years later, Finden Gardens in Hampsthwaite was named in her honour.[Click on title or image to link to articles]
© DT Online 2010 - 2025
| Energy Efficiency Refurbishment Project
Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall is the main community centre for the village and commemorates the lives and sacrifice of those villagers who fell in the two World Wars. As the current building approached its 50th Anniversary, the Hall Management Committee aimed to broaden the range of activities it can support and bring it up to modern energy saving standards. This would help sustain its future for another 50 years by increasing usage, controlling running costs, and result in several improvements to the fabric of the building. .
This project is now substantially complete and the hall has achieved a Grade 'B' energy performance. This is an outstanding result for a building of this size, age, and type - see the Energy Performance Certificate in the hall documentation section
Photo Gallery of the Refurbishment Project
View a photographic record showing the changes to the hall, both inside and out, during this extensive refurbishment
Initial Planned Work Schedule
- July 2013 - (work begins 24 July to install insulation and boiler)
- August 2013 – (work begins 12 Aug to renew main hall roof and install solar panels.)
- September 2013 – (LED lighting)
- October 2013 – (installation of new entrance doors, digital cinema)
- November 2013 – (Hard landscaping to rear, and resurfacing of car park. New gate posts and sign boards added to front of Memorial Hall - see photo gallery of installation of new gate posts)
- Early 2014 - Grand Opening with unveiling of Commemorative Plaque, re-dedication of In Memoriam panel, Brass Band and Hog Roast
NOTE: There was some slippage on these planned timings during refurbishment but all was completed by July 2014 at which time the opening of the Hampsthwaite Feast and Show was deemed an appropriate time to mark the official opening of the hall after refurbishment. See Feast 2014 brochure and the press release below which appeared in the Harrogate Advertiser on 31st July 2014
Official opening of the Memorial Hall after refurbishment - press release
 Unveiling of plaque by Jennifer Thompson and Muriel Illingworth
 The completed plaque
Feast Saturday in Hampsthwaite marked the official opening of the Memorial Hall following its extensive refurbishment works to improve energy efficiency. The project included a new roof with integrated solar panels, insulation to modern standards, LED lighting, a new zone controlled energy efficient heating system plus some improvements to its car park and general environs. The hall was also completely redecorated, now has broadband internet and boasts a fully functioning digital cinema with rear projection and dimmable cinema lighting. The improvements were made possible as a result of major grant funding from Waste Recycling Environmental (WREN) plus additional support from Awards for All, the Knabs Ridge Community Fund, plus several local businesses and individual donors. A plaque to commemorate the achievement and acknowledge all who contributed was unveiled by Mrs Jennifer Thompson and Mrs Muriel Illingworth - the daughters of Mr. Ernest Atkinson and Mr Ralph Robinson who in 1952, and then again in 1966, did so much to establish Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall as we see it today. Amongst the sponsors listed are Sir James Aykroyd Bt., whose father Sir Cecil Aykroyd Bt. made available the land on which the hall stands, and Northern Energy Ltd, the M.D. of which is Howard Illingworth, grandson of Ralph Robinson, who initiated the idea of having a Memorial Hall in 1952.
Aims of the refurbishment The project was designed in order to ensure future sustainability of this essential community building as it approached its 50th Anniversary by: 1. Substantially reducing the overall running costs by energy saving and generation by – - Install an efficient condensing boiler with weather compensating controls.
- Replace current lighting with LED lights reducing costs by 80%.
- Insulate walls and loft to retain heat and so conserve energy.
- Replacing single glazed entrance doors to double glazed.
- Solar PV system to reduce the CO2 and reduce the electricity costs overall.
- Purchase more energy efficient catering equipment.
2. Broadening the range of activities that can take place there by – - Installation of digital Blu-Ray film projection equipment and establishment of a village Film Club.
- Installation of a network of laptop workstations to support IT based training and enable future digital downloads for presentations, live opera and film screenings.
3. Undertaking a general refurbishment of the premises and its environs – - Re-roofing of Main Hall to remedy existing leaks.
- Landscaping to rear of Memorial Hall to improve view through from historic Pinfold to the Packhorse Bridge and provide amenable pedestrian area with trees, planting and seating area covered by our Public Wi-Fi.
- Installation of new signage, including public noticeboards for the village.
- Creation of an improved main entrance by installing period stone gate posts..
- Re-surfacing of main car park.
Sponsorship and support This major refurbishment project would not have been possible without the grant funding awarded by the following bodies: - Waste Recylcing Environment Ltd (WREN) - the main sponsor for the whole project
- Awards for All - funding for the digital cinema installation (via Hampsthwaite Feast)
- Knabs Ridge Community Fund - funding towards replacement of the Memorial Hall Noticeboards
We are indebted also to the following local businesses, groups and individuals for their sponsorship: - Sir James Aykroyd Bt
- Northern Energy Ltd
- Roger Bowers
- Harrogate Timber Ltd
- Simon Greame Ltd
- Hampsthwaite Parish Council
- Hampsthwaite Village Society
- Hampsthwaite Feast
- HBC Commuted Sums
- Mr W Atkinson
- Mr Michael Moore
Programme of works The main contractor chosen for this work was local company Barclay Electrical & Solar and the Hampsthwaite based contractor Hollins Construction was chosen to complete the re-tiling of the roof.
Energy Efficiency Refurbishment Project Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall is the main community centre for the village and commemorates the lives and sacrifice of those villagers who fell in the two World Wars. As the current building approached its 50th Anniversary, the Hall Management Committee aimed to broaden the range of activities it can support and bring it up to modern energy saving standards. This would help sustain its future for another 50 years by increasing usage, controlling running costs, and result in several improvements to the fabric of the building. .