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BARKER Family History

Descendants of John and Grace Barker
Shaun L Wilson – February 2017

Barker families have resided in Hampsthwaite since the early seventeenth century and were extensive in the area during the nineteenth century. From the 1881 England Census for Hampsthwaite taken on 3rd April that year, Barker was the most popular name totalling 57 out of 457 people enumerated – 12.5% of those recorded living in Hampsthwaite at the time of that census.

From the registers of Hampsthwaite parish, Barkers were in existence as early as 1610. The earliest Barker mentioned is John Barker, son of Peter who was baptised on 17th March that year.

Where Hampsthwaite is mentioned in this article it refers to both village and parish. We will never know exactly where the early Barker’s dwelling houses were as they are not recorded in either the parish registers or on the early census returns, but it is assumed that they lived in the village or within the parish. It was not until the England Census of 1911 that full address details were given together with the total number of children born alive to the present marriage of the head of the family.
My interest in the Barker Families of Hampsthwaite is due to one branch of my paternal family line being descended from them. My Grandmother – Ethel Georgina was a Barker until her marriage to Joseph Harold Wilson in 1910.

Research over several years has revealed how extensive the Barker families were in Hampsthwaite during the latter part of the eighteenth, throughout the nineteenth and into the twentieth century.

Whilst every effort has been made to state factual information researched to ensure accuracy of this article, some assumptions have been made in the absence of certain facts which are subject to verification. However, where assumptions have been made in these instances the information provided is based on reasonable probability using dates of events – birth, baptism, marriage, death, burial, census returns etc. and peoples ages obtained from authoritative sources. Names and dates shown in brackets are believed to be correct but are subject to checking and verification. Question marks in brackets indicates information not known and to be researched.

Where the number of children is given against couples, this indicates the number of children traced at the time this article was written. The actual number of children they had might well be more than that indicated.

Whilst Barker’s existed in Hampsthwaite as early as 1610, the Barkers from whom I am descended can be traced back to 1763. On 9th May 1763 a ‘John Barker’ married a ‘Grace Flower’ at Nidd Parish Church of St Paul and St Margaret. Both John and Grace were from the parish of Nidd at the time of their marriage but there is no evidence that either of them were born there. However, Grace may have been born at Burton Leonard – baptism record dated 22nd May 1738. Where John was born or who his parents were is not yet known. For the purpose of this article, the Barker family history begins with John. Names annotated in bold lettering are people from whom I am descended.

The first reference to John Barker in the Hampsthwaite Registers appears for the year 1763 in respect of the baptism of his son Charles – ‘Charles son of John Barker mason baptised November 27th’. Subsequent entries in the registers are found for Richard baptised 19th July 1766, Ralph baptised 24th December 1768, Frances baptised 11th May 1771, William baptised 9th October 1774 and Joseph baptised 15th February 1777. John’s occupation is recorded as mason for all entries but there is no reference to the name of the mother. This is a shame because had Grace been named there would be categorical proof that they were the same John and Grace who married in Nidd in 1763.

On the basis that all six of John Barker's children were baptised at Hampsthwaite, it is assumed that after their marriage at Nidd, John and Grace moved to Hampsthwaite possibly to seek work or in connection with John’s occupation as a mason.
The Hampsthwaite registers include a burial entry for the year 1779 for ‘John Barker mason poor aged 50, May 15th. John would therefore have been born in 1729 and is presumed to be John Barker who would have been 34 when he married in 1763 and 48 when his last child was born in 1777. This time line from 1729 to 1779 is realistic for someone to have married and fathered six children within that period.

The were-a-bouts of Grace Barker at the time of John’s death and the date and place of her death, is not yet known.

This history of the Barker families is continually being researched and will be updated from time to time when additional information becomes available. If anyone is aware of any omissions or inaccuracies, or has any information to contribute, please contact the author. E-mail:



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Charles BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th November 1763. He became a Mason and married Jane UMPLEBY of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 21st May 1787. Charles died in 1811 aged 47 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th August, although his burial entry gives his abode as Nidd. Charles died in the same year as his daughter Lucy but two months later. It is assumed that Charles and Jane moved to Nidd between 1804 after their son Joseph was baptised at Hampsthwaite and 1808 when their daughter Lucy was baptised at Nidd. Charles’s wife Jane was still living at Nidd in 1841 at the time of the England Census for that year living with her son Richard and daughter-in-law Mary and died there in 1842 aged 74. She was buried at Nidd on 29th January. Charles and Jane had nine children four of whom died in infancy, three of which were succeeded by subsequent siblings baptised with the same names – Charles, Jane and Joseph:
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st October 1788. He became a Mason and married Mary (?) of (?) at (?) on (?) and lived at Brearton. John died in 1821 aged 33 and was buried at Nidd on 26th December. John and Mary had two known children through baptism records, but may have had five: Mary died in 1855 aged 71 and was buried at Nidd on 3rd May. At the time of her death she lived at Scotton.
Lucy BARKERThe parish registers for Nidd include a burial entry for Lucy Barker of Brearton who died in 1821 aged 8 and who was buried at Nidd on 9th May. Lucy’s birth year was therefore 1813. Although no baptism record has been found for Lucy, it is assumed she is the daughter of John and Mary.
William BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 7th April 1814.
Charles BARKERThe parish registers for Nidd include a burial entry for Charles Barker of Brearton who died in 1823 aged 6 and who was buried at Nidd on 20th February. Charles birth year was therefore 1817. Although no baptism record has been found for Charles, it is assumed he is the son of John and Mary.
John BARKERThe parish registers for Nidd include a burial entry for John Barker of Brearton who died in 1822 aged 3 and who was buried at Nidd on 6th March. John’s birth year was therefore 1819. Although no baptism record has been found for John, it is assumed he is the son of John and Mary.
John BARKERBorn on 4th April 1822 and baptised at Nidd on 5th May that year. John was born three months after his father’s death. It is assumed he was given the same name as his father or elder brother ‘John’ who both died three and one month respectively before he was born.
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 Charles BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd March 1790 and died in 1793 aged 3. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 15th July.
Jane BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th November 1792. No burial record yet found, but presumed to have died young as a subsequent sibling was baptised with the same Christian name.
Charles BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th June 1794. He became a Mason and married Ellen WADE of Hampsthwaite – born at Birstwith, at Hampsthwaite on 14th February 1824. Charles lived at Nidd at the time of his marriage and resided there with Ellen afterwards. Charles died in 1850 aged 57 and was buried at Nidd on 14th December. Ellen, sometimes called Eleanor died in 1885 aged 85 and was buried at Nidd on 9th September. Charles and Ellen had seven children:
Lucy BARKERBorn on 27th March 1825 and baptised at Nidd on 17th April that year. She married Thomas COOPER at Nidd on 31st August 1847 and died in 1848 aged 22. Lucy was buried at Nidd on 23rd February.
John BARKERBorn on 27th July 1827 and baptised at Nidd on 19th August that year. John died in 1869 aged 42. He was buried at Nidd on 29th November.
Jane BARKERBorn on 4th February 1830 and baptised at Nidd on 28th February that year.
William BARKERBorn at Nidd on 16th October 1832 and baptised there on 4th November that year. He became a Farm Labourer and in later life a Fire Wood Chopper. William never married and died in 1906 aged 73. He was buried at Nidd on 6th January.
Ellen BARKERBorn at Nidd on 18th February 1835 and baptised there on 15th March that year.
Charles BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1838 and baptised there on 29th July that year. He died in 1859 aged 21 and was buried at Nidd on 14th July. A Charles Barker born at Nidd about 1837 was employed by and lived with Thomas Ellise, Farmer of Grayston Plain, Felliscliffe and his family as a Farm Servant at the time of the 1851 England Census. Might be this Charles or his Cousin also named Charles son of Joseph Barker.
Richard BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1842 and baptised there on 24th February that year. He became an Agricultural Labourer. Richard never married and died in 1910 aged 67. He was buried at Nidd on 13th January, though lived at Killinghall at the time of his death.
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 Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st December 1799 and died in 1800 an infant. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 18th November.
Jane BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th January 1801.
Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th December 1804. He became a Mason and married Sarah MORRELL at Nidd on 6th May 1835. Joseph died in 1842 aged 37 and was buried at Nidd on 24th July. At the time of his death he lived at Scotton. Sarah died in 1871 aged 69 and was buried at Nidd on 23rd March. Joseph and Sarah had three children:
Joseph BARKERBorn on 25th August 1835 and baptised at Nidd on 20th September that year. Joseph died in 1836 at the age of 5 Months and was buried at Nidd on 28th January.
Charles BARKERBorn on 24th November 1836 and baptised at Nidd on 25th December that year. A Charles Barker born at Nidd about 1837 was employed by and lived with Thomas Ellise, Farmer of Grayston Plain, Felliscliffe and his family as a Farm Servant at the time of the 1851 England Census. Might be this Charles or his Cousin also named Charles son of Charles Barker.
John BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 8th September 1839.
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 Lucy BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 18th October 1808 and died in 1811 aged 2. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th June, although her burial entry gives her abode as Nidd. Lucy died in the same year as her father but two months earlier.
Richard BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 31st August 1811. He became a Mason and married Mary (?). Mary was born at Saxelby, Leicestershire - England Census 1851 for Nidd. Place and date of marriage not known, but believed to be early 1830's. Richard died in 1854 aged 43 and was buried at Nidd on 26th March. Richard’s father Charles died the same year Richard was baptised. The date Richard was born is not known but is assumed to be the same year as his baptism and may possibly have been after his father’s death therefore Charles may not have seen Richard – his last child born. Richard and Mary had seven children:
John BARKERBorn on 27th June 1834 and baptised at Nidd on 14th June 1835. John died in 1839 aged 4 and was buried at Nidd on 18th June.
Jane BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 22nd May 1836 and died in 1839 aged 3. She was buried at Nidd on 10th June.
Mary BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1838 and baptised there on 19th September 1838.
William BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1841 and baptised there on 11th July. He became a Stone Mason.
Elizabeth BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1844 and baptised there on 4th February that year. She became a House Maid.
Ann BARKERBaptised at Nidd on 29th August 1847 and died in 1850 aged 2. She was buried at Nidd on 29th January.
Rebecca BARKERBorn at Nidd about 1850 and baptised there on 27th January 1850.
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Richard BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1766. He became a Mason and married Alice WINN of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 30th May 1791. Richard died in 1812 aged 45 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th February. Richard and Alice had seven children. After Richard’s death, Alice had a son – John who was baptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th February 1815 and married a second time to Benjamin GUITE, a Linen Weaver of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 3rd September 1818. Benjamin died in 1857 aged 66 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th August. Alice died in 1862 at Hartwith aged 89 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 6th February. Richard and Alice had seven children:
Elizabeth BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st May 1792. She married Thomas GILL a Sieve Maker of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 14th June 1818. Elizabeth died in 1863 aged 71 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 6th June. Note: Burial record states age as 68 which is incorrect. Thomas Gill died in 1867 aged 72 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th March. Elizabeth and Thomas had three children:
Mary GILLBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 2nd May 1819. She married William MITCHELL a Bricklayer of Ripon at Hampsthwaite on 11th June 1844. At the time of the 1881 England Census they lived at 11 Skellgarths, Ripon. William employed 14 Men and 2 boys. Mary died at Ripon in 1890 aged 71, and William died in 1886 also at Ripon aged 68. Mary and William had three children:
Jane MITCHELLBorn at Ripon about 1847. She became a Dressmaker and is believed not to have married. She died in 1915 aged 69.
Ann MITCHELLBorn at Ripon about 1849. She became a Milliner.
Mary MITCHELLBorn at Ripon about 1855. She is believed not to have married and died at Ripon in 1928 aged 73.
Ann GILLBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd July 1821. She married Edward MALLINSON a Stonemason of Lockwood Almondbury, Huddersfield at Hampsthwaite on 24th September 1843. At the time of the 1881 England Census she was a widow living with her daughter Elizabeth and son-in-law as a Housekeeper at Lockwood. Ann and Edward had four children:
Mary MALLINSONBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th December 1843. She married Thomas Hinchliffe PARKER, a Joiner of Manchester Road, Huddersfield, at St Thomas’s Church, Huddersfield on 11th July 1868. Mary and Thomas had six children:
Ann PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1869
Ellen PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1871
Alice PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1873
Edward PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1875
Fred PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1878
Emma PARKERBorn at Huddersfield about 1880/1881
John MALLINSONBorn at Lockwood, Huddersfield about 1847. He became a Stone Mason and married Sarah (BRAY) of (?) at (?) on (?) (1873). John and Sarah had three children:
Norman David MALLINSONBorn at Almondbury, Huddersfield about 1876.
Susannah MALLINSONBorn at Almondbury, Huddersfield about 1877.
Emma E Wood MALLINSONBorn at Almondbury, Huddersfield about 1880.
Elizabeth MALLINSONBorn at Lockwood, Huddersfield about 1857. She became a Woollen Mender and married Harry SYKES a Woollen Beamer of Huddersfield at The Parish Church, Almondbury on 23rd September 1878. They had one daughter:
Annie SYKESBorn at Huddersfield about 1880/1881
Susanah MALLINSONBorn at Lockwood, Huddersfield about 1860.
John GILLBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th July 1824. He became a Sieve/Basket Maker and Farmer and married Elizabeth WRIGHT at the Parish Church Otley on 1st November 1855. John died in 1897 aged 73 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 8th February. Note: Burial record states 71 years of age. John and Elizabeth had two children:
Ann/Annie GILLBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th September 1856. She married Frederick William WATSON a Domestic Servant – Butler of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 4th April 1876.
John Thomas GILLBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th September 1861. At the time of the 1871 England Census he lived at Hampsthwaite with his parents but at the time of the 1881 Census he lodged with Ann Raine a widow of 15 Hallgarth Street, Elvet, Durham as a Cabinet Maker and married (Louisa Kate PATTON a Servant of Middlesbrough) at (Middlesbrough) on (?) (1887) and still lived in Durham at the time of the 1911 England Census.
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 Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 6th April 1794 and died in 1795 aged 1. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th October.
 Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th September 1798. He became a Farmer and married Mary VESTEY on 22nd February 1819, place not known, but in the parish of Knaresborough. At the time of the 1841 England Census, Joseph and Mary were farming at Stonefall within the township of Bilton-with-Harrogate. By 1851 they farmed 100 Acres with employed labour at Stonefall Farm in the township of Bilton-with-Harrogate. At the time of the 1861 England Census Joseph and Mary farmed 140 Acres at Stonefalls Farm employing three labourers. Joseph died on 23rd August 1869 aged 70 at Stonefall and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th August. Mary died on 26th September 1879 aged 85 at Stonefall and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th September. Joseph and Mary’s grave is situated at the East side of Hampsthwaite Church and marked with a headstone. The Will of Joseph Barker was proved at Wakefield on 6th January 1870 by his son Charles one of the Executors, with Effects under £450. Stonefall Farm was situated on land that is now covered by private residences on Woodlands Walk, off Hookstone Chase, Harrogate. Joseph and Mary had seven children:
Maria BARKERBorn about 1821.
Emma BARKERBorn about 1825 at Bilton-with-Harrogate – Knaresborough.
Richard BARKERBorn about 1827. (Possibly became a Linen Weaver and believed not to have married).
Charles BARKERBorn about 1829 at Bilton-with-Harrogate – Knaresborough. He became a Farmer and Farrier and took over Stonefall Farm from his father Joseph. At the time of the 1871 England Census, Charles employed a servant William Goodear aged 15, born at Hampsthwaite in 1856. At the time of the 1881 England Census, Charles farmed 130 Acres, employing two labourers and a boy. His sister Mary Elizabeth living with him. Charles never married and died in 1900 aged 71.
William BARKERBorn about 1831 at Bilton-with-Harrogate – Knaresborough.
Martha BARKERBaptised at Christ Church, Harrogate on 31st December 1832. She married Thomas RICHLIEU on 16th November 1871 at Christ Church, Harrogate. (Thomas died on 14th July 1873). Martha married a second time to Matthew BARKER a Land Agent of Middlesbrough on 29th August 1878 at Christ Church, Harrogate. Matthew Barker is not believed to have related to Martha prior to her marriage to Thomas but just shared surnames. Martha and Thomas / Martha and Matthew are believed not to have had any children.
Mary Elizabeth BARKERBaptised at Christ Church, Harrogate on 27th November 1836. Up until and including the England Census of 1891 she lived at Stonefall Farm, Harrogate firstly with her parents Joseph and Mary until her Fathers death, then with her brother Charles who took over the farm. At the time of the 1901 England Census Mary E lived at 9 Stonefall Avenue, Harrogate as a Lodging House Keeper and at the time of the 1911 England Census, she was a pensioner living at Number 11 Alms Houses, Avenue Road, Harrogate – now Rogers Almshouses on Belford Road. Mary Elizabeth never married and died in 1923 aged 86.
 William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th July 1801. He became a Gardener and married Mary REYNARD of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 1st March 1824. At the time of the 1841 England Census, William was a Farmer in the township of Knaresborough, and in 1851 he and Mary lived and worked at Tancred Hospital Whixley as Domestic Servants. William a Gardener and Mary as House Keeper and Cook. Mary died in 1877, aged 78 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 27th March. William died in 1880 aged 79 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th December. At the time of their deaths, both William and Mary lived in Church Square near Christ Church, Harrogate. William and Mary had no children, but their niece Mary Jane Wood lived with them at the time of the 1841, 1851, 1861 and 1871 England Censuses.
 Richard BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th February 1804 and died in 1811 aged 8. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 9th December.
 Alice BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July 1806. She married Edward WOOD a Post Boy of Leeds on 10th November 1832 at the Parish Church of Leeds. Alice died at Leeds in 1835 aged 28 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 22nd January. The year of Edward’s death is not known. Alice and Edward had one child: Mary Jane.
Mary Jane WOODBorn on 29th April 1834 and baptised at Leeds Parish Church on 11th July that year. At the time of the 1841, 1851, and 1861 England Censuses, Mary Jane lived with her Uncle and Aunt, William and Mary Barker. Mary Jane married William FAWCETT a Coach Painter at Christ Church, High Harrogate on 23rd December 1867. At the time of the 1871 England Census Mary Jane and William Fawcett continued to lodge with William and Mary Barker. William Fawcett died in 1871 aged 49. At the time of the 1881 England Census, Mary Jane lived at 7 Church Square, Harrogate with her son Herbert William and a Servant, Annie J Henderson. By 1891, Mary Jane and Herbert William still lived at 7 Church Square with two boarders, Mary Ellen Masefield and Charles Montague Sharman. Mary Jane died in 1897 aged 63. Mary Jane and William Fawcett had one child.
Herbert William FAWCETTBaptised at Christ Church, Harrogate on 14th June 1872. At the time of the 1891 England Census, Herbert was employed as a Groom but in 1911 he was employed as a Provisions Salesman living at 12 Church Square, Harrogate. He married Isabella CLAY of (?) at (?) on (?) 1901 and died on 24th December 1923 aged 51. Administration of effects was granted at Wakefield to Isabella Fawcett his wife on 21st February 1924 to the value of £566, 15s. At the time of his death. Herbert lived at 3 Unity Grove, Harrogate. Herbert William and Isabelle had one child:
Olive FAWCETTBorn at Harrogate about 1903.
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 Peter BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite on 10th July 1808 and baptised there on 9th October that year. Peter went blind at the age of four, but despite the loss of his sight, in later life took up the trade of Joiner and Cabinet Maker and became known as the ‘Blind Joiner of Hampsthwaite’. He married Mary LUPTON of Felliscliffe at the Registry Office Knaresborough on 24th December 1845 but was persuaded by the vicar of Hampsthwaite the Reverend Thomas Shann to have a church ceremony and blessing so Peter and Mary married a second time at Hampsthwaite on 25th January 1846. Peter died on 18th February 1873 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 21st February. His grave is situated to the East side of Hampsthwaite Church and marked with a headstone. Mary died on 3rd June 1862 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 7th June. Peter and Mary had two children:
James BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th August 1846 and died in 1863 aged 16. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 23rd January.
Alice BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st March 1848 and died in 1853 aged 5. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 14th October.
William Grange author of The History and Topography of Harrogate and the Forest of Knaresborough published in 1871 wrote of Peter: “Passing up the village street, is the cottage of Peter Barker, the blind joiner, a most extraordinary man, who can make almost anything which is made of wood and that in a workmanlike manner. He was born in 1808, and lost his sight when about four years old, by an inflammation of the eyes; since then he has been “. . . . . dark, amid the blaze of noon irrecoverable dark; total eclipse without all hope of day” Though deprived of sight, the spirit of enterprise was strong within him; he joined in the games and plays of older boys with confidence and skill equal to their own, and was, not infrequently, a contriver and ringleader in their petty mischievous pranks. If any one played a practical joke upon the blind boy, he was pretty certain, before long, to have it returned in kind. Having an ear for music, he became a performer on the violin, and, as he grew to manhood, frequented dances and merry-makings all round the country, as a performer on his instrument. From frequenting these jovial assemblies he began to have a love for strong drink, but his moral nature was too strong to be overcome by these temptations. He suddenly formed a determination to abandon the musical profession, as well as the companions with which it had brought him in contact, and beg his bread rather than obtain it in such a manner. The idea entered his mind that he would be a joiner, and he fell to work as a chair maker, succeeding at the first attempt, and since then has followed the occupation of a joiner. He served no apprenticeship, received no instructions or ideas from others, and yet he says, he can make anything that is made of wood, from stackbar up to chest of drawers. The only peculiarity observable in any of his tools is in his foot rule with which he makes his measurements, the lines on which are marked by small pins, in different numbers, at different lengths on his rule. Like all enterprising men of the world, Peter Barker married a wife, by whom he had a son, who was the constant companion of his father, and, to his bitter sorrow, died January 19th, 1863, at the age of seventeen years. His wife died June 3rd, 1862, so he is a widower, and an aged relative superintends his domestic affairs. He is tall and athletic in person; ready and quick in conversation; plain straightforward, and honest in the account he gives of himself and his performances. He assumes no superiority over ordinary men on account of the abilities he possesses, but says it was Providence which gave him his talents, and the same Providence has supported him through life. He is held in high estimation by all his neighbours, and, without considering his situation, he appears as happy, cheerful, and comfortable, as any man we ever met with.” Harry Speight author of Nidderdale published in 1906 also included a piece about Peter Barker in his book, Chapter XXVII Hampsthwaite which reads: “But the village smith and the carpenter are survivals from early times, and to this category belongs Peter Barker, who was well known beyond the limits of his native dale as the “blind joiner of Hampsthwaite.” He died in 1873, aged 64, and a neat headstone, raised by his friends, commemorates him in these words: “Though blind from infancy he was skilful as a cabinet maker, a glazier, and a musician, by the sense of touch he searched the scriptures daily. “Jesus took the blind man by the hand. Whereas I was blind I now see.” Barker, it appears, lost his sight from an inflammation when a child, but as he grew up he joined in pranks with other boys and rarely, it is said, met with any mishap. He was taught to play on the violin by a professional named Thorpe, then living at Wreaks, and made such proficiency that he was able in a short while to earn sometimes as much as 10s. a night by fiddling at local feasts and other celebrations. After a little practice, he took to cabinet making as a regular calling, and could make chairs and chests, and in fact almost any article of wood, coffins even not excepted, as well as any man. His measurements were always exact, and his work invariably well fitted and finished. The foot-rule he used was studded with short pins placed at the inch and half-inch, and in numbers to correspond with the measurements. His mechanical gifts were indeed of a very varied character, and I am told he could make the church clock go when no one else could. He used to go to church with a lantern on winter nights to ring the eight o’clock bell (a long-practiced custom at Hampsthwaite, and a relic of the old Forest laws) and the village folk would say, as they spied him trudging along with his lantern, “Here comes blind Peter.” He could find his way about the village unaided, and the same when he went to Knaresborough by rail, the many tortuous and intricate thoroughfares in that old town seeming no impediment to his progress". Peter’s life was recorded in 1868 whilst alive in a booklet, "Memoir of the life of Peter Barker, the blind joiner of Hampsthwaite". After his death in 1873, the booklet was reprinted. In May 1973, the centenary year of Peter’s death, the Yorkshire Life magazine published an article on Blind Peter of Hampsthwaite.
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Ralph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th December 1768. He became a Linen Weaver and married Alice HAXBY of Hampsthwaite, at Hampsthwaite on 18th October 1796. Ralph died a pauper in 1855 at the age of 86 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th February. Alice died in 1860 at the age of 87 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 31st May. Ralph and Alice had eight children:
Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st September 1799 and died an infant the same year. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 25th November.
Francis BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th January 1802 and married William GAMLIN sometimes recorded as GAMLING a Linen Weaver of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 12th December 1831. Frances died in 1871 aged 69 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 21st October. William died in (?). Frances and William had seven children:
Mary Ann GAMLINBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st March 1833.
William GAMLINBorn on 28th December 1835 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th June 1837.
Christopher GAMLINBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th February 1837. He became a Shoemaker and married Sarah (McKIGHNEY) of (?) at (?) on (?) (1872). At the time of the 1881 England Census Christopher and Sarah lived at Gas Ville Terrace, Ripon Road.
Alice GAMLINBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th March 1838 and died in 1853 aged 15. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 25th October.
Susanna(h) GAMBLING (GAMLIN)Born on 20th April 1840 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th August 1842. She had one child:
Arthur BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th June 1868.
Ralph GAMBLING (GAMLIN)Baptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th August 1842. He became a Tailor and married Isabella (PEARSON) of (?) at (?) on (?) (1868). Ralph died in 1872 aged 29 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th January. Ralph and Isabella had one child:
Anne BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th July 1871.
John GAMBLING (GAMLIN)Baptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd September 1844. He became a Labourer and died in 1874 aged 31. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 27th October.
Mary BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th November 1803.
Alice BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th December 1805.
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd May 1808. A burial record exists in the Hampsthwaite registers for a John Barker aged 50 who was buried on 20th December 1858. Might this be John Barker or another John Barker – son of William and Margaret who was also baptised at Hampsthwaite in 1808?
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd September 1811 and married Robert ROBINSON a Shoemaker of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 12th November 1836. Robert died in 1838 aged 23 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th August. The place and date of Hannah’s dead is not yet known. Hannah and Robert had one child:
Simpson ROBINSONBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th June 1837. He was brought up by his Grandparents Robert and Hannah Robinson coincidentally both having the same name as his parents and became an Agricultural Labourer/Farmer and married (Anne REYNARD of Birstwith at Birstwith in 1859. Anne died in 1895. Simpson possibly married a second time to Hannah CHADWICK in 1896 and died in 1907 aged 69). Simpson and Anne had five children:
Thomas ROBINSONBorn at Birstwith about 1860.
Robert ROBINSONBorn at Birstwith about 1862 and baptised there on 8th June that year.
William ROBINSONBorn at Birstwith about 1865 and baptised there on 29th October that year.
John ROBINSONBorn at Birstwith about 1867 and baptised there on 26th April 1868.
Mary E ROBINSONBorn at Birstwith about 1870.
Ralph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st March 1813. He became a Weaver and married Mary EWBANK of Wreaks Birstwith at Hampsthwaite on 26th January 1839. Ralph died in 1840 aged 27 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 29th November. At the time of his death his abode was Birstwith. What happened to Mary after John’s death and the date and place of her death, is not yet known.
Susannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th July 1815. At the time of the 1851 England Census she worked in service for Jane Fountain a widow and annuitant in Hampsthwaite and married Richard Robert THORNTON a Widower and Labourer of Killinghall on 11th September 1859. Susannah died in 1895 aged 80 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 28th October. Richard died in 1896 aged 69 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 25th March. At the time of their deaths Susannah and Richard lived at Kettlesing, Felliscliffe. Susannah had one child prior to her marriage and a stepson John B THORNTON – born about 1856.
Ralph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th April 1848. He became a Domestic Servant – Groom and married Emma DUNWELL of Farsley at Calverley, St Wilfred on 28th May 1876. At the time of the 1891 England Census Ralph was a Baker. (Believed to have died in July 1896 at North Bierley). Ralph and Emma had five children:
Ralph BARKERBorn at Farsley and baptised there on 9th July 1876. He is believed to have been a Travelling Grocer
Frederick BARKERBorn at Pudsey about 1878 and became a Milliners Salesman.
Emily BARKERBorn at Pudsey about 1879 and became a Day School Teacher.
Annie BARKERBorn at Pudsey about 1881 and became a Day School Teacher and subsequently a Head Teacher.
Louis (Lewis) BARKERBorn at Pudsey about 1887
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Frances BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 11th May 1771.
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th October 1774. He became a Master Mason and married Catherine SWALE of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 3rd October 1803. William died on 31st August 1840 at the age of 65 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 3rd September. Catherine died on 1st April 1862 aged 76 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th April. William and Catherine had fourteen children:
Mary BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th October 1804 and died in 1812 aged 7. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 27th May.
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd March 1806. He became a Stonemason but never married and died in 1878 aged 72. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 28th October.
Sarah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 6th December 1807. She married Benjamin JEFFERY a Farm Labourer of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 10th September 1831 and died in 1887 aged 79. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd May. Benjamin died in 1879 aged 72 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd July. Sarah and Benjamin had five children:
Frances JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd September 1832. At the time of the 1851 England Census she lived and worked at Binn’s Hotel, Low Harrogate on Cold Bath Road as a Chamber Maid with her Aunt, Eliza Barker who was a Kitchen Maid. Frances married Mark SWALE a Rural Messenger in 1876 and died in 1905 aged 72. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 25th April. Mark died in 1882 aged 65 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th January. Frances had two children prior to her marriage:
Charles JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th October 1861.
Helena JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th November 1869. She became a Dressmaker and married Tom BARKER (her mother’s cousin), a Stone Mason of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 26th December 1898. Helena and Tom had three children. (Dorothy, Frances Emma and Maurice referred to under Tom Barker later in article).
Richard JEFFREYBelieved to have been born at Hampsthwaite – 1851 England Census, though 1861 and 1871 Census’s state Idle about 1834 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July that year. He became a Shoemaker and then a Labourer and married Mary Ann (Watson) of Ayrshire Scotland at (?) on (?) 1862. Richard and Mary Ann had ten children:
Sarah Ann JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1863. She became a Domestic Servant working for Thomas Ellis a Farmer of Grayston Plain, Felliscliffe at the time of the 1881 England Census. Sarah had one child:
Annie Righton JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th May 1882.
John JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1867.
Fanny JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1869 and baptised there on 25th July that year.
Watson JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1871 and baptised there on 30th July that year.
Clara JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1873 and baptised there on 31st August that year.
Henry JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1876 and baptised there on 6th February that year.
Lucy JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1878.
Laura JEFFREYBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1880 and baptised there on 3rd July that year. She died in 1883 aged 2 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 27th January.
Annie JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd December 1883.
Allen JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th July 1887.
John JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th June 1839. He became a Farm Labourer and died in 1866 aged 26. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th April.
Ann JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th April 1844. She became a Domestic Servant.
Charles JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd November 1846. He became a Mason, Innkeeper and Farmer and married Frances Hannah BULMER of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 17th February 1872. At the time of the 1881 England Census, Charles and Frances lived at the Lamb Inn, Station Road – now Church Lane. At the time of the 1891 England Census, Charles and Frances lived on Hollings Lane. At the time of the 1901 England Census they lived at Hampsthwaite Head. Charles died in 1917 aged 71 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th December. Frances Hannah died in 1922 aged 77 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 17th April. At the time of their deaths, Charles and Frances lived at Hookstone School Farm, Hampsthwaite Head. Charles and Frances had six children:
Elizabeth Ann JEFFREYBorn about 1873 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd February that year. She became a Domestic Servant.
Walter JEFFREYBorn about 1873 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd February that year. She became a Domestic Servant.
Doris JEFFREYBorn at Wath on 29th November 1899 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th April 1900.
Frederick Watson JEFFREYBorn at Felliscliffe in April 1901 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th June that year.
Edward Rawdon JEFFREYBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th July 1877. Note: Baptism entry names Charles and Frances Ann Jeffery as parents. It is assumed that Frances Hannah and Frances Ann is the same person. Edward Rawdon became a Masons Labourer.
Martha A JEFFREYBorn about 1880 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th March that year.
Harry JEFFREYBorn about 1882 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th September that year. He became a Stationary Engine Stoker.
Hubert (Herbert) Biggins JEFFREYBorn about 1886 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1889. He became a Joiner.
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 John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th January 1810. He became a Stonemason and married Mary Ann NUTTER of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 18th April 1836. John died on 17th August 1874 aged 64 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th August. Mary Ann died on 27th January 1900 aged 84 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th January. John and Mary Ann’s grave is situated to the East side of Hampsthwaite church and marked with a headstone which reads: ‘In memory of John Barker Mason of Hampsthwaite who departed this life August 17th 1874 in his 65th Year of his age. He Made His Peace With God. Also of Mary Ann wife of the above who died January 27th 1900 Aged 84 Years’. John and Mary Ann had ten children:
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th March 1837. He became a Joiner and married Harriet ATKINSON, a Dressmaker of Eccleshill at the Parish Church, Bradford now Bradford Cathedral – Cathedral Church of St. Peter on 26th December 1858. At the time of the 1851 England Census, at the age of 14 William lived with his Grandparents Matthew and Mary Nutter – his mother’s parents as an Apprentice Joiner at Rat Row in Idle, Bradford, possibly apprenticed to his Grandfather, a Joiner or to one of his uncles, George or Joseph who were also Joiners and Cabinet Makers. At the time of the 1861 England Census, William and Harriett lived at The Green in Idle, Bradford William carrying out the trade of Joiner. At the time of the 1871 England Census, William and Harriet lived at Thorpe Lane, Idle, Bradford employing one man and a boy in the Joinery trade. At the time of the 1881 England Census, William and Harriett lived at 23 Albion Road, Idle, Bradford, William carrying out the trade of Joiner and Builder. At the time of the 1891 England Census, William and Harriett lived at 7 Cross Road, Idle, Bradford. William’s youngest son John William, aged 15 was a Joiners Errand Boy, presumably working for and apprenticed to his father. At the time of the 1901 England Census, William had retired and he and Harriet lived at Airedale View, Idle, Bradford. Harriet died in 1903 at Albion Road, Idle aged 66 and was buried at Idle on 4th August. William died on 21st January 1907 aged 69 at 25 Albion Road, Idle and was buried at Idle on 24th January. Probate was granted at Wakefield to his sons Fred and John William on 14th February 1907 to the value of £1090 15s. 6d. William and Harriet had eight children:
Mary Jane BARKERBorn about 1859 and baptised at Idle on 18th November 1877 She became a Woollen Weaver.
Emmanuel BARKERBorn about 1862. He became a Joiner and married Charlotte LONG of Idle at Calverley Parish Church on 20th December 1884. Emmanuel and Charlotte had four children:
Albert BARKERBorn on 21st January 1901 and baptised at Idle on 14th March that year.
Willie BARKERBaptised at Idle on 23rd August 1902.
Edward BARKERBorn on 14th February 1902 and baptised at Idle on 7th July 1904.
Ralph BARKERBaptised at Idle on 13th March 1906.
Anne (Annie) BARKERBorn about 1864. She became a Weaver and married Fred JEFFREY a Fitter of Calverley at Calverley Parish Church on 24th October 1888.
Fred BARKERBorn about 1866. He became a Joiner and married Ada WHITFIELD a Weaver of Idle at Calverley Parish Church on 21st July 1887. Fred and Ada had two children:
Elsie BARKERBorn on 9th December 1900 and baptised at Idle on 13th March 1901.
Harriet BARKERBorn on 22nd February 1904 and baptised at Idle on 13th April that year.
Elizabeth BARKERBorn on 18th July 1869 and baptised at Idle on 19th March 1889. She became a Worsted Cloth Mender and married Charles HODGSON an Engine Driver of Long Preston at Idle on 11th July 1900.
Clara BARKERBorn at Idle in 1874. She became a Woollen Weaver and is believed not to have married and to have died in 1956 aged 82.
Calverley Info transcribed parish records for Idle include a baptism record for Clara Barker, daughter of William Barker, Builder and Harriet Barker of Bradford Road, born 16th June 1891 and baptised on 30th June 1892. The 1891 and 1901 England Census’s for Idle include a Clara Barker having a birth year of 1874. It is assumed that Clara was baptised at 18 years of age and that the transcribed birth date in her baptism record is incorrect.
John William BARKERBorn on 11th April 1875 and baptised at Idle on 18th August 1889. He became a Joiner and married Edith Ellen HOUSE of Manningham at Calverley Parish church on 2nd June 1902. John William and Edith Ellen had two children:
Frederick BARKERBaptised at Idle on 31st January 1904.
Edith BARKERBorn on 19th April 1907 and baptised at Idle on 26th May that year.
Harriett BARKERBorn on 18th March 1879 and baptised at Idle on 18th August 1889.
John BARKERBorn on 4th October 1838 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st October that year. He became a Joiner and Builder and married Alice Ann (Allison) ANDREWS a Dressmaker of Eccleshill, at the Parish Church, Bradford now Bradford Cathedral – Cathedral Church of St. Peter on 18th May 1861. Prior to his marriage John, lodged at Eccleshill, Bradford and lived there at the time of his marriage. At the time of the 1871 England Census, John was a Master Joiner employing two men and two boys. He and Allison lived at Woodhall Road, Calverley where they continued to live until their deaths. John died in 1924 aged 85 and was buried at Calverley on 18th March. Allison died in 1907 aged 65 and was buried at Calverley on 19th November. John and Allison had eight children:
Emily BARKERBorn about 1862. She became a Milliner.
Andrew BARKERBorn on 16th July 1863 and baptised at Calverley on 3rd November that year. Andrew died in 1863 aged 4 Months and was buried at Calverley on 7th November.
Charles Henry BARKERBorn about 1865. He became a Joiner, Builder and Cabinet Maker and married Annie E (?).
John Edward BARKERBorn about 1867. He became an apprentice Plumber then later a Joiner and Builder and married Kate Agnes (?).
Alice BARKERBorn about 1868. She became a Woollen Weaver and married Horace BUTLER a Striker of Calverley at Calverley on 16th April 1892.
George William BARKERBorn on 23rd February 1869 and baptised at Calverley on 9th October that year. He became a Plumber and married Eden (SMITH) of (Horsforth) at (?) on (?) (1892). George and Eden had two children:
Maud BARKERBorn about 1893 at Horsforth.
John BARKERBorn about 1896 at Calverley.
Sarah E BARKERBorn about 1872. She became a Woollen Weaver.
Isabel BARKER 
Emanuel BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th November 1840. He became a Master Joiner and Cabinet Maker and married Maria GRIMSHAW, of Bradford at the Parish church, Bradford now Bradford Cathedral – Cathedral Church of St. Peter on 2nd July 1864. At the time of the 1861 England Census, Emanuel lodged with Thomas and Sarah Lazenby at 17 Back Rockingham Street, Leeds. At the time of the 1871 England Census, Emanuel was a Master Joiner employing two men and two boys. He and Maria lived at Thornhill Street, Calverley where they continued to live until their deaths. Maria died in 1914 aged 85 and was buried at Calverley on 21st April. Emanuel died in 1915 aged 74 and was buried at Calverley on 16th March. Probate was granted to his daughters Hannah Maria Barker and Mary Elizabeth Barker spinsters on 23rd April 1915 to the value of £1613, 2s. 6d. Emanuel and Maria had four children:
Henry BARKERBorn about 1876. She became a Woollen Weaver and married John James HOLT a Joiner of Leeds at Calverley on 5th June 1901. Emanuel BARKER – Baptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th November 1840. He
Herbert BARKERBorn on 26th June 1867 and baptised at Calverley on 25th August that year. Herbert was blind and is believed not to have married.
Hannah Maria BARKERBorn on 29th March 1871 and baptised at Calverley on 4th June that year. Hannah Maria is believed not to have married.
Mary Elizabeth BARKERBorn on 25th April 1875 and baptised at Calverley on 25th June 1876. She became a Dressmaker and is believed not to have married.
Catherine BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd October 1842.
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  George BARKERBorn on 1st February 1845 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 3rd March that year. He became a Stonemason and married Sarah BEECROFT of High Harrogate at High Harrogate on 6th April 1868. At the time of the 1861 England Census, however, George was employed as an Agricultural Labourer, but became a Mason sometime before his marriage in 1868. George died on 11th June 1904 aged 59 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 15th June. His unmarked grave is situated on the West side of the church tower by the river. His daughter, Letitia is buried in the same grave. Sarah died on 12th August 1918 at Skirrow Cottage Hampsthwaite and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 15th August. Her unmarked grave is situated on the West side of the church tower on the left of the footpath leading to Birstwith Road. George and Sarah had nine children:
Francis George BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st August 1869. He became a Stonemason and married Minnie NETTLETON of Hampsthwaite on 20th February 1892. Francis died in 1906 aged 36 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th March. Minnie married again on 19th May 1911 to John Clapham a Labourer of Hampsthwaite. Francis and Minnie had (seven) children:
(George Hayes BARKER)Born at Hampsthwaite in 1891 and died on (?) 1892 aged 8 Months. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 24th February.
Violet BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th February 1893. She married (Frank S HARSTON) in (1918).
Gertrude BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th November 1894 and died in 1905 aged 11. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th December.
Daisy BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th April 1895. She married (Benjamin BROWN) in (1930).
Oliver BARKERBorn on 18th June 1897 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th November 1899. He became an Engineer and married Gertrude Martha GOODWIN of 11 Dragon Parade, Harrogate at Christ Church High Harrogate on 23rd December 1922. At the time of his marriage, Oliver lived at 65 Albert Road, Harrogate.
Hilda BARKERBorn in August 1898 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th November 1899. She married (Samuel KAY) in (1919).
Frances (Evelyn) BARKERBorn about 1904. She married (Frederick KAY) in (1923).
Susan Lavinia BARKERBorn on 27th April 1871 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st October that year. At the time of the 1891 England Census she lived at 24 Lascelles Terrace, Potter Newton, Leeds employed by Isabella Fawcett, a widow and her family as a Domestic Servant. She married Charles CARTER a Railway Platelayer at St. Andrews Church in the parish of Oakenshaw-cum-woodlands, Bradford on 4th June 1895, both continued to live in Bradford until their deaths. Susan Lavinia died on 25th January 1959 aged 87 at 88 South View Road, North Bierley, Hunsworth and was buried at (?) on (?). Charles died in 1951 aged 79. Susan Lavinia had seven children. One in 1890 prior to her marriage and six with Charles:
Ethel Georgina BARKER

Ethel Georgina Barker

Born on 20th September 1890 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th October 1891. She was a Domestic Servant and married Joseph Harold WILSON a Royal Field Artillery Fitter at Hampsthwaite Parish Church on 26th December 1910. Ethel G lived with her Grandparents George and Sarah at Hampsthwaite until their deaths in 1904 and 1918 respectively. Joseph Harold was demobilised from the army in 1919. Ethel G died at Harrogate General Hospital on 22nd July 1964 aged 74 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?). Her obituary read “The funeral took place at Hampsthwaite Parish Church on Friday last week of Mrs Ethel Georgina Wilson, wife of Mr Harold Wilson, of 18 Finden Gardens, Hampsthwaite, who died in Harrogate General Hospital, aged 75. The service was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. W Suthern, and Mr W Bussey played the organ”. Joseph H died at 6 The Bungalow’s, Hampsthwaite on 17th October 1967 aged 79 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?). Ethel Georgina and Joseph Harold had eight children:
Dorothy Margaret Wilson BARKERBorn on 4th October 1910 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th November that year. She married Frederick Clifford WRIGHT a Chauffer of The Lodge, Birstwith Hall at Hampsthwaite on 4th March 1933. Doris died on 28th March 2002 aged 91 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?) Clifford died on 14th April 2006 aged 95 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?) Doris and Clifford had three children: Gerald, Margaret P and Peter.
Harold Reginald WILSONBorn at Hampsthwaite on (?) 1915 and died on (?) that year aged 1 Month. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 27th March.
Minnie Eileen WILSONBorn on 7th July 1916 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th August that year. She married Jack EWBANK in 1937. Jack died in 1966 aged 57. Eileen married again to Thomas Kelly in 1976. Eileen died in 1988 aged 72. Thomas died in 1994 aged 84. Eileen and Jack had three children: Cheryl, Janet W and Jacqueleen M.
Harold Bernard WILSONBorn on 10th November 1919 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st February 1920. He became a Painter and Signwrighter and married Lena DAVENPORT at Barnsley on 24th August 1946. Bernard died on 30th October 1998 aged 78. Lena died on 26th April 2013 aged 86. Bernard and Lena had three children: John, Lynn and Judith.
Ernest Stanley WILSONBorn on 9th December 1922 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th February 1923. He became a Joiner and later a Building Inspector and married Jean HOLMES in 1951. Stan died in 2004 aged 82. Stan and Jean had one child: Julie.
George Dennis WILSON

George Dennis Wilson

Born on 21st May 1926 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th June that year. He became a Painter and Decorator but spent a large proportion of his working life in the Army in the regiment of REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) and never married. Dennis died on 6th February 2002 aged 76.
Enid Florence WILSONBorn on 22nd June 1929 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th August that year. She married Michael William BALANCE at Hampsthwaite on 28th August 1954. Enid and Michael had two children: Peter and Stephen.
John Leslie WILSON

John Leslie Wilson

Born on 21st August 1936 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 18th October that year. He became a Painter and Decorator and later a Hotel Maintenance Supervisor and married Sylvia BRAMLEY of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1962. Les and Sylvia still live in Hampsthwaite and have two children:
Shaun Leslie WILSON

Shaun Wilson

Born at Harrogate General Hospital on 16th July 1963 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th November that year. He became an Architectural Technologist and married Caroline Anne TOWNS a Shop Sales Assistant of Bilton, Harrogate at St John’s Church, Bilton on 16th September 1995. Shaun and Caroline live at Swarcliffe, Birstwith and have two children:
Thomas Ryan Charles WILSONBorn at Harrogate District Hospital on 10th July 2002 and baptised at St. James’ Church, Birstwith on 9th February 2003.
Luke James William WILSONBorn at Harrogate District Hospital on 28th May 2004 and baptised at St. James’ Church, Birstwith on 21st November that year.
Timothy John WILSONBorn at Harrogate General Hospital on 26th October 1965. He became a Diesel Fitter, School Teacher and Long Distance Lorry Driver and married Catherine Jane STARK a Teacher of Summerbridge at Summerbridge Methodist Chapel on 23rd April 1988. Tim and Cathy live at Pateley Bridge and have two children:
Jemima Claire WILSONBorn at Harrogate District Hospital on 11th September 1992. She became a Journalist.
Jessica Anne WILSONBorn at Harrogate District Hospital on 20th June 1994. She became a Stable Hand.
Rowland Benjamin Booth CARTERBorn at Oakenshaw, Bradford on 10th October 1897 and baptised at St Andrews, Oakenshaw, on 17th November that year. He died the same year aged 2 Months and was buried at Holy Trinity, Low Moor, Bradford on 18th December.
Doris Lavinia CARTERBorn at Oakenshaw, Bradford about 1898.
Lily CARTERBorn at Bradford about 1901. She married Harold HASLEWOOD/HESLEWOOD in 1923.
Amy Lois CARTERBorn at Bradford about 1904.
Rose Evelyn CARTERBorn at Bradford about 1907 and married Ernest DIXON in 1936.
Henry Reginald Nutter CARTERBorn at Bradford about 1910. He married Susie WORMWELL at Bowling, St John, Bradford on 31st March 1934 and died in (1995 aged 85).
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Mary Jane BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th September 1873 and married Ambroise Hardisty WAINWRIGHT a Cloth Dyer of 16 Cardingham Road, Burley, at the Parish Church, St George, Leeds on 19th April 1897. Mary Jane and Ambroise had seven children:
(George Wilfred) 
(Joseph Wilfred) 
Wilfred WAINWRIGHTBorn at Morley, Leeds about 1899.
Stanley WAINWRIGHTBorn at (?) about 1900.
Arthur WAINWRIGHTBorn at Morley, Leeds about 1903.
Edith WAINWRIGHTBorn at Burley, Leeds about 1906.
Rowland WAINWRIGHTBorn at Horsforth, Leeds about 1910.
Edith Annie BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th January 1876 and died in 1878 aged 2. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th September.
John Robert BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th May 1878 and died an infant the same year. He was buried at Hampshwaite on 15th May.
Rowland BARKER

Rowland Wilson Photograph courtesy of Tom Wright

A twin, born on 9th June 1879 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th June that year. He became a Butcher and married Eliza JACKSON of Birstwith at (?) on (?) 1898. Rowland died in 1949 aged 70 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?). Eliza died at Leeds in 1957 aged 76 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?). Rowland and Eliza had four children:
Ethel May BARKER

Rowland Wilson Photograph courtesy of Tom Wright

Born on 20th October 1900 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th November that year. Ethel moved to Guildford, Surrey and married Alfred Thomas WRIGHT in 1930. Ethel May died in 1981 aged 81. She had two children prior to her marriage and two with Alfred:
Winifred BARKERBorn on 14th August 1922 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th October that year.
Harold Ernest BARKERBorn at Leeds in 1924 and became an Area Instructor for Sub-Post Offices.
Reginald Thomas WRIGHTBorn in Guildford, Surrey in 1932 and became a Chartered Engineer and married Elspeth Mary GREGORY of Munslow, Shropshire in 1957. Reginald and Elspeth live in Birstwith and have two children:
Susan May WRIGHTBorn in Guildford Surrey in 1958 and married David John STOCKTON at Birstwith in 1984 and have two children:
Rachael Lucy STOCKTONBorn in Ipswich, Suffolk in 1991.
Melissa Ruth STOCKTONBorn in Ipswich, Suffolk in 1995.
Eric Thomas WRIGHTBorn in Guildford, Surrey in 1962 and partnered Kerry STOKES in 2003.
Gwendoline Eliabeth WRIGHTBorn in Guildford, Surrey in 1942 and became a First-Line Manager in BT.
Eva BARKERBorn on 8th January 1905 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th February that year. She died in 1908 aged 2 not quiet reaching her third birthday and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 1st January.
Lucy Grace BARKERBorn on 28th July 1909 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th September that year. (Believed to have married Jack Thornton at Leeds in 1940).
Herbert Donald BARKERBorn on 21st August 1911 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st October that year. He married Irene NEWBY of (?) at (?) on (?) 1938. Herbert Donald and Irene had two children:
Brenda Irene BARKERBorn in 1941 and married Brian DODSWORTH in 1962. Brenda died on 16th October 2016.
Janet BARKERBorn (?) and married John SHAW in 1967.
See also article entitled ‘Tom Wright reflects upon the Barker family in Hampsthwaite’ particularly in respect of his family’s reminiscences and ties with Hampsthwaite.
Oliver BARKERA twin, baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th June 1879 and died an infant aged 1 Month. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 9th July.
Wilfred Archibald BARKERBorn on 13th February 1882 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st May that year. He became a Grocers Traveller and married Sarah Ethel GIBSON of (?) at (?) on (?) 1904. At the time of the 1911 England Census Wilfred and Sarah Ethel lived at Wesley Hill, Hampsthwaite. Sarah Ethel died at the Infirmary, Harrogate in 1916 aged 34 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 15th September 1916. Wilfred married a second time to Florence Annie JACKSON of 48 Stamford Street, Bradford at St. John’s Church, Bowling, Bradford on 25th May 1919. Wilfred died in 1968 aged 86. Wilfred had seven children. Six with Sarah Ethel and one with Florence Annie:
George William BARKERBorn on 8th July 1904 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July that year. He died an infant on (?) aged 3 Weeks and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 1st August.
Henry Alexander BARKERBorn on 1st December 1905 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th January 1906. He died in 1964 aged 59.
Francis Gibson BARKERBorn on 24th July 1909 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd August that year. He married Dorothy MORLEY of (?) at (?) on (?) 1936. Dorothy died on 13th February 1980 aged 63. Francis Gibson died on 13th May 1999 aged 89. Both Francis Gibson and Dorothy were buried at Birstwith – St James’ Church and their grave is marked with a headstone. Francis and Dorothy had two children:
David BARKERBorn about (1947)
June BARKERBorn about (1948)
Wilfred Robert BARKERBorn on 25th April 1912 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th June that year.
Letty BARKERBorn on 22nd March 1914 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th March that year. She died an infant aged 6 Days and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 28th March.
Annie Elizabeth BARKERBorn on 3rd May 1923 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th June that year.
Letitia BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th June 1884 and died in 1906 aged 22. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 9th May in the same grave as her father George.
Mary Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th May 1848.
Phoebe BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th April 1851. She married Joseph BOWERS a Groom of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 10th September 1874. Phoebe died in 1935 aged 84 and was buried at (Hampsthwaite) on (?). Joseph died in 1906 aged 57 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th July. Phoebe and Joseph had seven children:
Joseph Matthew BOWERSBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd November 1874. He became a Mason and married (Mary Ann HUSTWITT) of (?) at (?) on (?) (1900). He died in 1933 aged 59. Mary Ann died in 1966 aged 90. Joseph Matthew and Mary Ann had four children:
Reginald BOWERSBorn about 1902. He married Winifred BRYAN of (?) at (?) on (?) 1930. Reginald and Winifred had four children:
Glynn BOWERSBorn on 23rd July 1931 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 18th September that year. He became a Builder and married Anne TIBBETTS of (?) at (?) on (?) 1959. Glynn and Anne had three children:
Janette BOWERSBorn in 1960
Andrew J BOWERSBorn in 1961
Martin Richard BOWERSBorn in 1968
Heather BOWERSBorn on 3rd February 1933 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th March that year.
Brenda BOWERSBorn on 6th August 1935 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th September that year.
Alan BOWERSBorn on 16th December 1940 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th January 1941. He married Edna DELANEY of (?) at (?) on (?) 1963.
Arthur BOWERSBorn at (Leeds) about 1903 and became a Head Teacher at Guiseley School.
Norman BOWERSBorn at (Leeds) about 1906.
Mary (May) BOWERSBorn about 1907 and married Ralph ROBINSON a Farmer of Clint at Hampsthwaite on 8th December 1926. Mary and Ralph had four children:
Amy ROBINSONBorn on 29th June 1927 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July that year.
Cyril ROBINSONBorn on 7th June 1929 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th July that year.
Muriel ROBINSONBorn on 20th August 1931 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th September that year.
Joyce ROBINSONBorn on 31st December 1935 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 23rd February 1936.
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John William BOWERSBorn about 1877 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th July 1888. He became a Joiner and married (Violet Emily JENNINGS) of (Shaw Mills) at (The United Reformed Providence Chapel, Dacre) on (?) (1908). John William and Violet Emily had six children:
Ruby Carrie Bowers JENNINGSBorn about 1908 at Shaw Mills and possibly baptised there as there is no record in Hampsthwaite Parish records. She became a Typist and married Alec ATKINSON a Farmer of Florence House Hampsthwaite on 6th November 1929.Ruby Carrie and Alec had three children:
Jennie Margaret ATKINSONBorn on 20th August 1930 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th September that year.
Wendy ATKINSONBorn on 14th June 1932 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st July that year.
Stephen William ATKINSONBorn on 21st September 1939 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th November that year.
Harold BOWERSBorn on 20th January 1909 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st February that year. He became a Joiner and undertaker and married (Florence SLINGER) in (1934). Harold died at York in 1990 aged 81 and Florence at York also in 1991 aged 83. Harold and (Florence) had two children:
Florence H BOWERSBorn about (1937).
Christopher BOWERSBorn about (1946).
Laura BOWERSBorn on 12th February 1911 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th March that year. She married Frank STEELE a Farm Labourer of Clint at Hampsthwaite on 30th September 1933. Laura and Frank had one child:
Ann C STEELEBorn (?) and married Jeff DENNIS of (?) in 1959. Ann and Jeff had two children:
Simon DENNISBorn about 1958.
Susan DENNISBorn about 1961
John William BOWERSBorn on 20th October 1912 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th December that year. He became a Joiner and Undertaker and married Josephine M SCHOFIELD in 1938. John William and Josephine had two children:
Roger W BOWERSBorn about (1943).
Judith L BOWERSBorn about (1949) and married Peter C M FELLOWS of (?) at (?) on (?) 1970. Judith and Peter had two children:
Darren Nigel FELLOWSBorn 1975.
Nicola Anne FELLOWSBorn 1978.
Eric BOWERSBorn on 2nd January 1914 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th February that year.
Dennis BOWERSBorn on 5th December 1929 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th January 1930. He married Patricia M REYNARD of (?) at (?) on (?) 1954. Dennis and Patricia had two sons.
Oliver BOWERSBorn about 1878 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th July 1879. He died in 1879 aged 1 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd August.
Henry BOWERSBorn in 1880 and died in 1881 aged 1 Year and 6 months. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 16th December. Note: No baptism record found so probably died without being baptised.
Laura BOWERSBorn about 1884 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th July 1888. She married Tom THORPE of (?) at (?) on (?) 1923.
Herbert BOWERSBorn about 1886 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th July 1888. He became a Groom (non Domestic).
Mary Ann BOWERSBorn about 1888 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th July that year. She died in 1909 aged 21 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 23rd June in the same grave as her father Joseph.
Susannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 3rd July 1853. She became a Dressmaker and Domestic Servant. At the time of the 1871 England Census she lived with her Brother Emmanuel and his wife Maria in Calverley. She married William Hammond THOMERSON a Painter of Bradford at St Paul’s Church, Manningham on 19th July 1873. Susannah died in 1928 aged 75 and was buried at (?) on (?). William died in 1890 aged 42. Susannah and William had two children:
Maud THOMERSONBorn about 1875.
Charlotte THOMERSONBorn about 1879.
Nutter BARKERBorn on (6th June) 1855 and baptised at Hampsthwiate on 22nd July that year. He became a Joiner and married Emily BASSETT of Woodhouse, Leeds in the Parish of Wrangthorn, on 22nd May 1876. In 1871, aged 16, Nutter lived with his elder brother John and his wife Allison at Woodhall Road, Calverley, possibly apprenticed to John as a Joiner or to someone else in the Calverley area. Nutter and Emily emigrated to the USA in about (1879) and lived in Peoria, Illinois. They adopted a daughter, Bessie who was born in September 1894. Emily died prior to 1904 and Nutter married a second time to Adelina THORNTON, his cousin in April that year in Stark, Ohio, USA. Nutter died on 25th July 1919 aged 64 in East Peoria, Tazewell, Illinois and was buried in Spring Dale Cemetery on 27th July 1919. Adelina returned to England in 1947 and died at Middleton Hospital, Ilkley on 7th February 1961 aged 95. Probate for Adelina’s will was granted to Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Company Limited at London on 16th October 1963 with effects valued at £1508, 0s 4d.
Sarah Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th January 1858. She became a Silk Weaver and married Francis Thomas THOMPSON a Labourer of (?) at (?) on (?) 1877. It’s believed Sarah had a son prior to her marriage to Francis and a daughter with Francis:
Walter BARKERBorn about 1876 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th August 1879. He became a Mason and married Annie HEBBLETHWAITE of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 14th April 1900. Annie died on 9th July 1904 aged 25 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th July. Walter married a second time to Edith Ethel HAW of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 28th April 1917. Walter died on 19th December 1937 aged 61 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on (?). Administration of effects was granted to Edith Ethel Barker his wife on 15th July 1938 to the value of £553, 8s. At the time of his death Walter lived at Green View, Hampsthwaite. Edith died on 10th February 1968. Walter and Edith’s grave is marked with a headstone in Hampsthwaite graveyard. Walter had two children with Annie and two children with Edith Ethel:
Clara Maud BARKERDaughter of Annie Barker. Born in (April) 1901 and died on 9th January 1906 aged 5. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th January in the same grave as her mother Anne (Annie). Their grave is marked with a headstone.
Evelyn Annie BARKERDaughter of Annie Barker. Born about 1903 and married Charles EMSLEY a Poultry Farmer of Burnt Yates at Hampsthwaite on 10th July 1934.
Basil Walter Douglas BARKERSon of Edith Ethel. Born on 14th April 1920 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 6th June that year.
Daphne Myra BARKERDaughter of Edith Ethel. Born on 4th June 1927 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th July that year. She married Leonard BOWES a Farm Labourer of (?) at (?) on (?) 1953. Daphne died in 2011 aged 84. Daphne and Leonard had one child:
Keith BOWESBorn about 1954.
Clara THOMPSONBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th March 1880 and married Thomas CARR a Signalman of Ulleskelf at Hampsthwaite on 2nd July 1900. Clara and Thomas had one child:
George Kenneth CARRBorn in September 1900 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th November that year. He died in 1915 at Frickley Station aged 14 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 13th March.
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Richard BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th January 1812. He became a Stonemason and married Eliza WOOD of Bishop Thornton (born at Bilton) at Hampsthwaite on 7th July 1838. Richard died in 1882 at the age of 70 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 15th March. His obituary appearing in the Harrogate Herald dated 15th March 1882 read: ‘March 11th, at Hampsthwaite, aged 70, Richard Barker, Stonemason’. Eliza died in 1890 at the age of 71 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th May. Richard and Eliza had six children:
Richard BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th June 1841. He became a Stone Mason and married Mary Jane HORNER of Otley at (?) on (?) 1879. Mary possibly died in (1889 aged 44). Richard and Mary Jane had one child:
Alice Maud BARKERBorn about 1880.
Edward BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th May 1844. He became a General Labourer and married Jane METCALFE a widow with two children of Ripon at Ripon on (?) 1875. Edward and Jane had one child:
Charles BARKERBorn at Ripon about 1876.
Jessie BARKERStep Daughter born about 1868.
John BARKERStep Son born about 1870.
Eliza BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd July 1846 and died 6 months later. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 21st January 1847.
Beatrice BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 18th June 1848.
Cecilia BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th February 1851.
Elizabeth BARKERNo baptism record found but an entry in the 1861 England Census indicates that Elizabeth was born in 1854 (possibly 1853).
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th May 1814 and died in 1880 at the age of 66. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 17th January. Hannah did not marry but had two children:
Sarah Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 11th August 1833. She married Robert HAXBY a Tailor of Birstwith at Hampsthwaite on 17th January 1857.
Mary BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th May 1839.
Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th October 1815. He became a Stone Mason and married Mary PARKER of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 10th July 1841. Joseph died in 1886 aged 71 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th February. Mary also died in 1886 aged 71 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th December. Joseph and Mary had five children:
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st July 1842. He became a Shoemaker and married Eliza Ann HAXBY a Servant of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 30th January 1864. At the time of the 1881 England Census William and Eliza/Elizabeth lived at 1 Charles Street, Upper Kirkgate, Halifax. William and Eliza had six children:
John William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th December 1864.
Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1867.
Mary J BARKERBorn at Bradford about 1872.
Frank BARKERBorn at Bradford about 1874.
Margaret BARKERBorn at Bradford about 1877.
Lucy BARKERBorn at Bradford about 1879.
Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st January 1844. He became a Stone Mason and married Elizabeth SWALE a Servant of Bradford at The Parish Church, Bradford on 14th January 1871. Elizabeth was born at Birstwith and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th February 1846. Joseph died in 1884 aged 40 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 7th March. Elizabeth died in (1921) and was buried at (?) on (?). Joseph and Elizabeth had seven children:
Susannah BARKERBorn at Bradford about 1873. Baptism record not found.
Alfred BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1874.
Mary BARKERBorn about 1876 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd June 1877. She died in 1878 aged 2 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 28th September.
Elizabeth BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd July 1877. (original record to be checked – transcript indicating the month of July should possibly be June).
Jane Eliza BARKERBorn about 1879 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd March 1880. She died in 1881 aged 3 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 24th November.
Louisa BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd March 1880. She married Herbert GILL a Lithographer at Hampsthwaite on 2nd July 1900. Louisa had seven children. One in 1900 prior to her marriage and six with Herbert:
Lawrence BARKERBorn on 31st March 1900 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th May that year.
Alfred Lockwood GILLBorn at Harrogate about 1902
Herbert Norman GILLBorn at Harrogate about 1903
Dorothy GILLBorn at Killinghall about 1904
Edward GILLBorn at Killinghall about 1906
William GILLBorn at Killinghall about 1909
Cyril GILLBorn at Killinghall about 1910
Margaret BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th November 1882 and believed to have one child:
(Eric BARKER)Born on 18th January 1914 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th March that year.
Jane Eliza BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th December 1845. Jane is believed not to have married and died in 1904 aged 59. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 17th May.
George BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 2nd August 1848. He became a General Labourer and married Jane (?) of (?) at (?) on (?). George and Jane had two children:
Christopher George BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th July 1877. He became a Joiner and married Beatrice Mary HIRST of Hampsthwaite on 12th December 1903. Christopher George and Beatrice Mary had six children:
Christopher George BARKERBorn on 25th July 1905 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th October that year.
Francis BARKERBorn on 12th March 1907 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th July that year.
Sidney Walter BARKERBorn on (?) and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st March 1909.
Stanley Ernest BARKERBorn on 16th November (1911) and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th February 1914.
Elizabeth Ann BARKERBorn on 19th April 1913 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 4th February 1914.
Harold BARKERBorn on 24th July 1915 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd August that year.
Laura BARKERBaptised at Hampshwaite on 30th April 1882. She married Arthur STOCKBURN a Plasterer of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 26th December 1900. Laura and Arthur had four children:
Richard STOCKBURNBorn on 23rd November 1901 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th December that year.
George STOCKBURNBorn on 4th February 1903 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st March that year.
Alice STOCKBURNBorn on 27th October 1905 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th November that year.
Alma Jane STOCKBURNBorn on 26th February 1908 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th March that year.
Ruth BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th March 1851. She married George CRADDOCK a Farm Labourer of (?) at (?) on (?) 1877. Ruth had four children. One prior to her marriage and three with George.
George J W BARKERBorn about 1872 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1874. He became a Farm Labourer and died in 1891 aged 19. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th May.
George CRADDOCKBorn about 1872 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1874. He became a Farm Labourer and died in 1891 aged 19. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th May.
Margaret CRADDOCKBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July 1879.
Ellen CRADDOCKBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th August 1888.
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Jane BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th January 1818. She was a House Keeper and lived with her brother William until his death in 1878. At the time of the 1881 England Census she was a visitor to Mary Hayle/Hoyle a Lodging House Keeper of 3 West Bank Terrace, Scarborough. Jane never married and died in 1893 aged 75 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th November (Burial record states 74 years of age).
Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th August 1820. She was a House Keeper and died in 1859 aged 39. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 22nd September. She never married but had one daughter:
Fanny BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th October 1848. Following her mother’s death in 1859, she lived with her Uncle William – her mother’s brother and her Grandmother Catherine Barker – her mother’s mother and became a Dressmaker. She married John MILNER a Mason of (?) at (?) on (?) 1875. John died in 1878 aged 36 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 1st August. Fanny died in 1912 aged 63 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 8th July. At the time of her death she lived at 2 West View Terrace, Hampsthwaite. Fanny and John had one child:
Elizabeth A MILNERBorn on 10th July 1876 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th September that year. She became a Music Teacher and later a Milliner. She never married and died on 14th February 1942 aged 66. Administration of effects was granted at York to Rosa Beatrice Henderson, spinster on 28th March 1942 to the value of £304, 1s and 6d.
Francis BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 2nd December 1822 and died in 1829 aged 7. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 21st March.
Charles BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 13th March 1824. He became a Stone Mason and married Ann (DOLMAN) of (?) at (?) on (?). Charles died on 16th June 1883 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th June. His obituary in the Harrogate Herald dated 20th June 1883 read “June 16th, at Hampsthwaite, Charles Barker, Stonemason, aged 59”. Ann died in 1869 aged 40 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 6th November. Charles and Ann had eight children:
Ann (Annie) BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th December 1854. Believed not to have married and died in 1921 aged 66 at 23 Glen Bourne, Killinghall. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 12th March. She is buried in the same grave as her niece Catherine Annie Naylan.
Louisa BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st December 1855.
Henry BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite 30th January 1857.
Sarah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th July 1858.
Charles S BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th November 1860. He became a Shoemaker.
Mary Jane BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th April 1863. She became a Domestic Servant and married Thomas NAYLAN a General Labourer of (?) at (?) on (?) 1887. Mary died in 1908 aged 43 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 16th April. At the time of her death she lived on Skipton Road, Harrogate. Thomas died in 1912 aged 47 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th December. At the time of his death he lived at 4 Electric Avenue, Killinghall – presumably the same abode as Mary Jane but different address given when burial registered. Mary Jane and Thomas had seven children:
Helen (Ellen) NAYLANBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th March 1889.
Sarah NAYLANBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st May 1891 and died in 1903 aged 12. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 28th May.
Catherine Annie NALYANBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th February 1893 and died in 1909 aged 16. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th April. She is buried in the same grave as her aunt Ann Barker.
Ada Barker NAYLANBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th October 1894 and died in 1904 aged 9. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 1st February.
Charlie/Charley NAYLANBorn on 6th April 1899 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th May that year.
Albert Barker NAYLANBorn on 9th May 1900 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 3rd June that year. He died in 1925 aged 24. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 22nd January. At the time of his death he lived at 23 Glen Bourne, Killinghall the home of his aunt Ann Barker.
Clara Alice NAYLANBorn on 1st November 1902 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th February 1903.
Arthur BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th December 1864. He became a Stone Mason and died in 1885 aged 21. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 24th October.
Eleanor BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th March 1869 and died in 1870 aged 2. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd August.
Eliza BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 11th December 1825. She became a Domestic Servant. At the time of the 1851 England Census she lived and worked at Binn’s Hotel, Low Harrogate – on Cold Bath Road as a Kitchen Maid with her niece, Frances Jeffery who was a Chamber Maid. Eliza married Charles BUCK a Husbandman of Darley at Hampsthwaite on 20th February 1857. At the time of the 1861 England Census, Eliza and Charles lived at Low Mills, Farnley, Leeds where Charles worked as a Groom. Eliza died in 1867 aged 43 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 9th December. Her abode at the time of her death was Hampsthwaite. The date and place of Charles’ death is not known. However, at the time of the 1871 England Census three of their four children lived with their uncle, William Barker, Eliza’s brother. Eliza had two children prior to her marriage to Charles and four with him:
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th August 1852.
Elizabeth Alice BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 31st July 1853.
Hannah Maria BUCKBorn at Hampsthwaite and baptised there on 20th February 1859. She became a Cook and did not marry and lived with her sister Fanny Simpson at the time of the 1911 England Census.
Frederick W BUCKBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1860. No baptism record found.
Catherine A BUCKBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1866. No baptism record found.
Fanny BUCKBorn at Low Wortley, Leeds about 1867 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th September that year. At the time of the England Censuses, Fanny lived at the following places: 1871 - with William Barker, her uncle at Hampsthwaite. 1881 – with John Johnson a Farmer at Almsford Bank House, Pannal as a Domestic Servant. 1891 – with Fanny Milner, her cousin at Hampsthwaite. Fanny married Frederick SIMPSON a General Labourer of 19 Cawood Place, Bradford, at the Parish Church, Bradford on 19th August 1895. Fanny lived at 11 Cawood Place, Bradford at the time of her marriage. At the time of the 1901 England Census, Fanny lived at 2 Diamond Terrace, Harrogate. Frederick is believed to have died in (1910 aged 46). At the time of the 1911 England Census Fanny lived at 18 Valley Mount, Harrogate. Fanny and Frederick had three children:
Emma Victoria SIMPSONBorn at Harrogate about 1898. She married Frank HATFIELD of (?) at (?) on (?) 1920.
Name not yet known 
Name not yet known 
Immanuel BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite and baptised there on 15th June 1828. He became a Master Shoemaker and married Louisa (?) of (?) at (?) on (?) Immanuel died in 1907 aged 79 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th September. Louisa died in 1902 aged 63 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd August. Immanuel and Louisa had eight children:
Mary Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th December 1863.
Catherine Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th October 1865. She died an infant and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd November that year
Nancy BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th March 1867. She married Edward ATKINSON a Gardener of Wetherby at Hampsthwaite on 20th July 1891.
Watson BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on (?) September 1868 and died the same month aged 3 Weeks. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th September.
Ada BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th June 1870. She became a Servant and married John PULLAN a Butcher of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 24th December 1894. Ada and John had one child:
Tom PULLANBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th February 1899.
Eliza BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1872. She became a Servant and married Walter JEFFREY a Blacksmith of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 25th May 1896. Walter was the son of Eliza’s cousin – Charles. Eliza and Walter had two children: Doris and Frederick Watson. Refer to Walter Jeffrey earlier in article.
Albert BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1874. He became a Stonemason.
Lucy BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th November 1876.
Peter BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 28th November 1830. He became a Stonemason and married Jane HERRINGTON a Domestic Servant of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 7th July 1855. In the Harrogate Advertiser dated 3rd January 1874, Peter is mentioned as being fined 10s with 12s costs at Knaresborough Petty Sessions for Drunkenness. He died in 1889 aged 59 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th October. Jane died in 1903 aged 72 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 7th December. Peter and Jane had eight children:
Emma BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd July 1855. She married William Joseph LONG a Grocer of St. Johns Middlesbrough at Hampsthwaite on 26th December 1881. Emma and William Joseph had one child:
James William LONGBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th October 1882.
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th July 1857. She became a House Keeper and died in 1921 aged 64. At the time of her death she lived at 2 Stockwell Road, Knaresborough and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 20th August. Hannah never married. At the time of the 1901 and 1911 England Census’s she lived with her brother Frederick William Barker.
Henry/Harry BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st January 1860. He became a Stonemason, Builder and Farmer and married Ellen (?) of (?) at (?) on (?). Henry – also referred to as Harry may have built Hampsthwaite Chapel with his brother Tom which opened in 1904 – Messrs Barker Bros. are mentioned in the Statement of Accounts for undertaking masons’ work for the sum of £334,12s 6d. Henry and Tom were both masons at that time and may have been in business together. Henry died in 1927 aged 67. At the time of his death he lived at Stanley Cottage and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 14th July. Henry and Ellen had four children:
Arthur BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1887 and became a Farm Labourer. At the start of the Great War, he enlisted into the British Army on 17th August 1914 at Harrogate as a Private in the West Yorkshire Regiment – Prince of Wales Own with regimental number 5297/ 5387. However, upon enlisting he declared his age as 24 Years and 6 Months – birth year 1890, his occupation as Bricklayer and that he had been apprenticed to Barker Bros of Hampsthwaite his father business. Arthur was killed in action on 11th July 1916 aged 29 and is remembered at Blighty Valley Cemetery, Authuille Wood, France.
Florence BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite in 1889.
Wilfred Stanley BARKERBorn at Killinghall about 1900. During the Great War, he enlisted into the British Army as a Private in 1st Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment with regimental number 42622. He served on the Western front in France and Flanders and was killed in action on 21st July 1918 aged 18 and is remembered at Klein-Vierstraat British Cemetery, Belgium.
Nellie BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1904.
Frederick William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th March 1862. He became a Mason and married Margaret BENSON of Darley at (?) on (?). Margaret died in 1899 aged 34 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 31st October. At the time of the 1911 England Census Frederick William lived at Barton House – also known as Throstle Nest, Hollins Lane. Frederick William and Margaret had eight children:
Alice BARKERBorn at Darley about 1888 and became a Dressmaker. She married James PADGETT a Postman of 25 Dawson Terrace, Harrogate at St Luke’s Church, Harrogate on 16th August 1924.
Benson BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1890.
Peter BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1891 and died in 1893 aged 2. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 26th August.
Frederick William BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1892 and became a Stonemason. He emigrated to Canada sometime between 1911 and 1914. During the Great War he enlisted as a Private in the Royal Canadian Regiment, Halifax, Nova Scotia with service number 477038 on 23rd August 1915. He was badly wounded on 13th November 1917 and died of his wounds on 9th December at No.7 Canadian General Hospital in Etaples, France aged 25 and is remembered at Etaples Military Cemetery.
Tom BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1894 and baptised there on 11th February that year. He became a Joiner.
Harold BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1896 and became a Farm Labourer. During the Great War, he enlisted at Harrogate into the 9th Battalion York and Lancaster Regiment with regimental service number 16766. He died of wounds on 9th January 1917 aged 21 and is remembered at Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery, France.
Jane Elizabeth BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1897 and died in 1918 aged 21. She was buried at Hampsthwaite on 31st October.
Ernest BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1899.
See also separate Barker Family History 1914 – 1918 for specific information in relation to Frederick William Barker Senior and his family.
There is no reference to Ernest Barker living with his father Frederick William Barker in the 1901 England Census. However, an Ernest Barker aged 2 is recorded living with Jane Barker, Frederick William Barker’s mother and sister Lucy Barker. Is Ernest the son of Frederick William living with his Grandmother at the time of the census or the son of Lucy Barker? No baptism record has been found to confirm.
Lucy BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th July 1864. At the time of the 1881 England Census she was a Housemaid at the Vicarage, Birstwith and became a Needlewoman. Lucy died in 1904 aged 39 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 11th January.
Catherine (Kate) BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1867.
Tom BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th December 1869. He became a Stonemason and married Helena JEFFREY – his cousin’s daughter of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 26th December 1898. Tom may have built Hampsthwaite Chapel with his brother Henry which opened in 1904 – Messrs Barker Bros. are mentioned in the Statement of Accounts for undertaking masons’ work for the sum of £334,12s 6d. Tom and Henry were both masons at that time and may have been in business together. At the time of the 1911 England Census, Tom and Helena lived at HollingsFarm. Tom died in 1928 aged 59 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 6th November. Tom and Helena had three children:
Dorothy BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite on 2nd December 1899 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th December that year. She became a School Teacher and never married and died in 1983 aged 84.
Frances Emma BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite on 28th June 1903 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th August that year. She became a Milliner and married George Albert Edward TOWERS a Farmer of Howe Farm, Beckwithshaw at Hampsthwaite on 7th April 1928. Frances and George had two children:
Tom Geoffrey TOWERSBorn on 16th September 1928 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 14th October that year.
Roger Neville TOWERSBorn on 18th November 1933 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th December that year.
Maurice BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite on 22nd June 1909 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th August that year. He married Mary (HALL or MCCABE) of (?) at (?) on (?).
Eleanor BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st July 1872 and married George ANNAKIN a Mason of 25 Station parade Harrogate at Hampsthwaite on 27th December 1897. Eleanor and George had one child:
Eva Florence Barker ANNAKINBorn at Starbeck about 1899. She married Leneord (Leonard?) William HOUSEMAN a Farmer of Hardcastle Hall, Hartwith at Hampsthwaite on 16th June 1926.
Gen 2Gen 3Gen 4Gen 5Gen 6Gen 7Gen 8Gen 9
Joseph BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th February 1777.
The following Barker’s, also resided in Hampsthwaite during the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth century’s, but are not connected to John and Grace Barker’s family:
John BARKERYear and place of birth not known but became a Tailor and married Ann Messenger on 11th October 1739. Both were from the parish of Hampsthwaite at the time of their marriage. Ann died in 1767 aged 62 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th February. John and Ann had three children:
Thomas BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st September 1740.
James BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th April 1744. He became a Tailor and married Hannah DOUSLAND on 18th August 1767. Hannah died in (1798) aged 55 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd January 1799. James married a second time to Elizabeth THORPE a Widow on 11th June 1804. James died in 1826 aged 83 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th April that year. Elizabeth died in 1829 aged 81 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 7th September. James and Hannah had ten children:
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st January 1768 and died an infant the same year. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 25th March.
Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 5th January 1769.
Ellen BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th October 1770.
Jemima BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th March 1772.
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th February 1774 and died in 1775 aged 22 Months and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 1st December.
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 7th May 1776.
James BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd May 1778.
Thomas BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th September 1780.
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 1st June 1783. He became a Tailor and married Margaret SMITH of Hampsthwaite at Hampsthwaite on 29th December 1807. William died in 1851 aged 67 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th May. Margaret died in 1853 aged 75 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 13th March. William and Margaret had five children:
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 25th December 1808. He became a Linen Weaver. A burial record exists in the Hampsthwaite registers for a John Barker aged 50 who was buried on 20th December 1858. Might this be John Barker or another John Barker – son of Ralph and Alice who was also baptised at Hampsthwaite in 1808?
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 26th April 1812.
Charles BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th October 1815. He became an Agricultural Labourer and died in 1868 aged 53 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 3rd February.
Margaret BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th July 1820. He became a Linen Weaver and later a Labourer and Stone Mason and married Hannah (?) of (?) at (?) on (?). Mark died in 1894 aged 75 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd May. Mark and Hannah had seven children:
Mark BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 30th July 1820. He became a Linen Weaver and later a Labourer and Stone Mason and married Hannah (?) of (?) at (?) on (?). Mark died in 1894 aged 75 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 2nd May. Mark and Hannah had seven children:
Eliza BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 18th March 1845. Eliza died in 1868 aged 24 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 14th May.
Peter BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th April 1846. He became a Mason’s Labourer, Farmer and Milk Dealer and married Sarah Ann EMSLEY a Servant of Harrogate at Hampsthwaite on 23rd September 1872. Sarah Ann died in 1914 aged 62 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 22nd December. Peter died in 1920 aged 74 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 30th July. At the time of their deaths, both Peter and Sarah Ann lived at Red Oak Farm, Hampsthwaite. Peter and Sarah Ann had ten children:
William BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 2nd November 1873. He became a Tailors Apprentice and worked for Robert Haxby, Tailor of Hampsthwaite at the time of the 1891 England Census. William died in 1896 aged 22 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 9th April.
Hannah Elizabeth BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 15th August 1875. She became a Domestic Servant.
Margaret Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd July 1877. She married George Tuck WALLER a Coachman of Hull at Hampsthwaite on 27th April 1905. Margaret Ann(e) had one child prior to her marriage:
Arthur Harrison BARKERBorn at Leeds in April 1899 and Baptised at Hampsthwaite on 29th July 1900. He became a Motor Driver and married Dora JOHNSON of Killinghall at Hampsthwaite on 27th November 1927.
Shadrach BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th July 1879. He became a Farmer and married Lily (TAYLOR of Shilden, Durham at Auckland in 1908). At the time of the 1911 England Census they lived at Spring Garth, Hampsthwaite and up to 1911, had two children::
Peter James BARKERBorn on 5th April 1910 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 8th May that year.
Sarah Ann BARKERBorn on 5th August 1911 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 27th August that year.
Isabel BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th July 1881 and married Alfred James WADDINGTON a Factory Hand of New Park, Bilton at Hampsthwaite on 15th June 1908.
Minnie L BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 22nd April 1883.
Juliana BARKERBorn at Hampsthwaite about 1885 and baptised there on 24th July 1887. She died in 1898 aged 13 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 5th June.
Meshach Jubilee BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 24th July 1887. He became a Farm Labourer and married Maria DURHAM of Birstwith at (?) on (?) 1912. Maria died on 15th June 1960 aged 72. Meshach Jubilee died on 7th March 1962 aged 74. Both Meshach Jubilee and Maria were buried at Birstwith – St James’ Church and their grave is marked with a headstone.
Abednego Charles BARKERBorn on 26th February 1893 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th April 1898. He became a Farm Labourer and married Annie SICKLING of (?) at Ripley on (?) 1915.
Ada Alice BARKERBorn on 9th July 1895 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 10th April 1898. Ada died in 1899 aged 4 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 23rd October.
Ann BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st November 1847. (Possibly had a daughter – Sarah Ann baptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th February 1880).
William BARKERBorn about 1850. No baptism record found but died in 1860 aged 10 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 31st July.
Mark BARKERBorn about 1852 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 2nd February 1860. He became a Labourer and Stone Quarryman and married Mary Elizabeth FOSTER a widow with three children in 1891 – Ethel Foster, Sarah A Foster, Mary P Foster. Mark died in 1916 aged 65 and was buried at Hampsthwaite on 4th October. Mark and Mary Elizabeth had six children:
Mark Barker FOSTERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 21st April 1891. He became a Hall Boy.
Margaret BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 6th May 1894. She married Frank LOCKWOOD a Millwright of Yeadon at Hampsthwaite on 31st October 1914.
Hannah BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th August 1896.
Edith BARKERBorn on 2nd July 1899 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 6th August that year. (Possibly had a daughter – Madge Evelyn born on 29th March 1917 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 9th May that year).
Joseph Edward BARKERBorn about 1903 and married Clarissa I PARNABY of (?) at (?) on (?) 1931. Joseph Edward and Clarissa had two children:
Mary BARKERBorn in (?) and married Donald KENDALL.
John Malcolm BARKERBorn on 10th January 1936 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th February that year.
Herbert BARKERBorn on 19th August 1908 and baptised at Hampsthwaite on 20th September that year. He became a Postman and is believed to have died in (1980 aged 72). Herbert never married.
James BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 16th January 1857.
Margaret BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 17th June 1860. She became a Housekeeper and died on 17th January 1879 aged 19. Margaret was buried at Hampsthwaite on 19th January. Her obituary in the Harrogate Herald dated 22nd January 1879 read ‘Jan 17th at Hampsthwaite, aged 19, Margaret Barker, housekeeper’.
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 19th November 1785.
John BARKERBaptised at Hampsthwaite on 12th August 1749 and died an infant the same year. He was buried at Hampsthwaite on 13th August.
The following BARKERS appear in the Hampsthwaite Registers but have not yet been connected to any of the families scheduled above:

Baptism Records –

  • Ann Barker, daughter of Mary baptised 26th March 1787.
  • Thomas, son of Thomas and Margaret Barker of Padside baptised 30th May 1804.
  • George, son of Thomas and Margaret Barker of Padside born 12th November 1807, baptised 21st December 1807.
  • Sarah and Elizabeth, twins of Samuel and Margaret Barker of Birstwith baptised 3rd March 1811.
  • Ann, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Barker of Padside baptised 17th October 1813.
  • Isaac, son of Thomas and Margaret Barker of Thornthwaite baptised 2nd March 1817.
  • Adela, daughter of Abram and Ann Barker of Wreaks baptised 31st May 1850.
  • Margaret, daughter of Henry and Sarah Barker of Meg Gate baptised 23rd February 1851.
  • Ambroise, son of Abraham and Anne Barker of Wreaks baptised 17th August 1856.
  • George Edmund, son of Benjamin and Anne Barker of Rochdale baptised 14th December 1856.
  • Jane Hannah, daughter of Benjamin and Anne Barker of Otley baptised 25th July 1858.
  • Lucy, daughter of Richard and Mary Barker of Otley baptised 24th July 1866.
  • Harry, son of Jane Barker of Hampsthwaite baptised 21st September 1872.
  • James Dibb, son of Margaret Barker of Hampsthwaite baptised 6th March 1879.

Marriage Records –

  • Peter Barker Agnis Umpleby married 30th November 1606.
  • Edward Shut Mary Barker married 24th May 1619.
  • John Birkenhead & Jane Barker married September 19th 1704.
  • Robert Forster parish of Thames St. London Coachman & Elizabeth Barker of this Spinster April 20th 1762.
  • Joseph Sharp Linen Weaver & Ann Barker both of this parish December 15th 1794.
  • Benjamin Barker Joiner of Harrogate & Anne Kay of Hampsthwaite 24th December 1855.
  • Tom Barker Corn Miller of Fewston & Ann Gill of Felliscliffe 6th July 1878.
  • Robert Firth Labourer & Jane Barker both of Hampsthwaite 21st November 1892.

Burial Records –

  • Thomas Barker buried 11th August 1715.
  • John Barker, infant buried 11th November 1794.
  • Charles Barker aged 2 of Hampsthwaite buried 13th November 1813.
  • Hannah Barker aged 82 of Hampsthwaite buried 2nd November 1819.
  • John Barker aged 1 of Birstwith buried 20th March 1842.
  • Eliza Barker aged 1 Month of Hampsthwaite buried 10th April 1845.
  • Margaret Barker, infant of Meg Gate buried 23rd February 1851.
  • William Barker aged 33 of Shaw Mills buried 15th June 1851.
  • Sarah Barker aged 21 of Birstwith buried 9th September 1851.
  • Henry Barker aged 12 of Hampsthwaite buried 1st February 1857.
  • Louisa Barker aged 3 of Hampsthwaite buried 25th April 1859.
  • Margaret Barker aged 85 of Birstwith buried 20th October 1860.
  • Soloman Barker aged 18 of Birstwith buried 21st October 1865.
  • Sarah Ann Barker, infant of Hampsthwaite buried 21st February 1880.
  • Sarah Elizabeth Barker aged 1 Day of Hampsthwaite buried 1st June 1883.
  • Nellie Barker aged 5 of Hampsthwaite buried 10th December 1887.
  • Amy Barker aged 8 Months of Hampsthwaite buried 8th June 1895.
  • Reginald John Barker aged 5 Months of Hampsthwaite buried 20th September 1899.
  • Hilda Barker aged 2½ Hours of Hampsthwaite buried 11th August 1904.
  • Amy Barker aged 2 of Hampsthwaite buried 21st April 1905.
  • Lucy Marjorie Barker aged 3 Years, 7 Months of Hampsthwaite buried 10th January 1906.
  • Eva Barker aged 2 of Hampsthwaite buried 1st January 1908.

The following BARKERS appear in the Nidd Registers but have not yet been connected to descendants of John and Grace Barker:

Burial Records -

  • Joseph Barker of Brearton, buried 26th December 1840 aged 4 Weeks.
  • Mary Barker of Brearton, buried 1st January 1841 aged 5 Weeks.
  • Charlotte Barker of Nidd, buried 16th August 1898 aged 1.

Acknowledgement for sources of information:

  • Harrogate Reference Library
  • North Yorkshire County Records Office
  • Calverley Info Portal – Repository of Genealogical and Historical Data concerning the Villages of Calverley Parish in Yorkshire including Nidderdale Section
  • Genealogical Family Records
  • Genealogical Family History Records
  • Commonwealth War Graves Commission
  • Hampsthwaite Village Society Website
  • The History and Topography of Harrogate and the Forest of Knaresborough by William Grange - 1871
  • A History of Nidderdale by Harry Speight – 1906
BARKER Family History

Descendants of John and Grace Barker
Shaun L Wilson – February 2017

Barker families have resided in Hampsthwaite since the early seventeenth century and were extensive in the area during the nineteenth century. From the 1881 England Census for Hampsthwaite taken on 3rd April that year, Barker was the most popular name totalling 57 out of 457 people enumerated – 12.5% of those recorded living in Hampsthwaite at the time of that census.

From the registers of Hampsthwaite parish, Barkers were in existence as early as 1610. The earliest Barker mentioned is John Barker, son of Peter who was baptised on 17th March that year.

Where Hampsthwaite is mentioned in this article it refers to both village and parish. We will never know exactly where the early Barker’s dwelling houses were as they are not recorded in either the parish registers or on the early census returns, but it is assumed that they lived in the village or within the parish. It was not until the England Census of 1911 that full address details were given together with the total number of children born alive to the present marriage of the head of the family.