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  • Hampsthwaite Housing

    Local planning authorities need to regularly identify and update their supply of sites for housing development as part of their adopted local plan. North Yorkshire Council is currently drawing up a new county wide local plan and a new consultation (Issues and Options) is about to begin.
  • VE-Day80 8 - 10 May 2025

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  • Jane Ridsdale

    JANE RIDSDALEAged 33 years, born at Hampsthwaite, near Harrogate, Yorkshire, her height is 31 ½ inches.She is remarkably chearfull & enjoys very good health.Published July 1st 1807 by Jane Ridstale, at Harrogate where purchasers of this Print will have the opportunity of seeing and conversing with her
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  • Blind Peter Barker

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  • Hampsthwaite Open Gardens

     Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE) Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall Plant sales - many named varieties of plants Delicious homemade refreshments Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
  • Scrubbers and Stones

    SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE! Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please! Hot & Cold Drinks Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials . . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am . . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
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  • Kitchen Refurbishment

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Gill Name Meaning
English and Scottish: in northern England and Scotland sometimes from Middle English Gille Old Norse Gilli which is of Irish (Gaelic) origin (see below) and pronounced with a hard g. As a personal name it is not found after c. 1200. English and Scottish: topographic name from Middle English gille ‘deep glen ravine’ (Old Norse (Norwegian) gil) pronounced with a hard g. The term is found mainly in northwestern England where Norwegian Vikings settled. English: from a short form of Middle English Gilliam a borrowing of Guillaume a Central French form of William (see Gilliam ) which is also attested in pet forms such as Gillot and Gilmin (see Gillett Gilman ). This name will have been pronounced with a hard g. English: from the Middle English personal name Gille a pet form of Gillian usually a female name but occasionally male. It also gave rise to the surnames Jill Gell and Jell and was pronounced with a soft g hence the spellings with J-. English: from the Middle English and Old French personal name Gille a variant of Giles Scottish Irish and Manx: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gille (Scottish) Mac Giolla (Irish) patronymics from an occupational name for a servant or a short form of the various personal names formed by attaching this element to the name of a saint. See McGill . The Old Norse personal name Gilli is probably of this origin and may lie behind some examples of the name in northern England. It is also a Manx surname meaning ‘son of the lad (i.e. servant)’.7: Scottish and Irish: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac An Ghoill (see Gall ).8: Norwegian: habitational name from any of the three farmsteads in western Norway named Gil from Old Norse gil ‘ravine’.9: Dutch: cognate of Giles .10: Jewish (Israeli): artificial name from Hebrew gil ‘joy’.1 German: from a vernacular short form of the medieval personal name Aegilius a later form of Latin Aegidius (see Giles ). This surname is also found in France (Alsace and Lorraine).1 Polish and German: variant or a Germanized form of Polish Gil ‘bullfinch’.1 Indian (Punjab): Sikh name probably from Punjabi gil ‘moisture’ also meaning ‘prosperity’. There is a Jat tribe that bears this name; the Ramgarhia Sikhs also have a clan called Gill.
Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
Similar surnames:

Plot No. 50

Kenneth Gill - 1997

Plot No. 384

Frederick William
Gill M.M.  - 1982
?? Gill - 1916

Plot No. 577

Harriet Gill  - 1957
Leonard Gill - 1964

Plot No. 714

Frank Gill - 1989
Kenneth Calvert GILL AG517 - click for full size image
Kenneth Calvert GILL AG517

Frederick William GILL Plot 384 - click for full size image
Frederick William GILL Plot 384

Harriet GILL Plot 577 - click for full size image
Harriet GILL Plot 577

Frank GILL Plot 714 - click for full size image
Frank GILL Plot 714





In Loving Memory Of
Kenneth Gill
Died 9 September1997
Aged 83 Years

In Loving Memory Of
Frede -rick William
Gill M.M.
1913 - 1982
And His Wife
1916 - 20??

In Loving Memory Of
Harriet Gill
The Beloved Wife Of
Leonard Gill
Died May 8th 1957. Aged 77 Years
Also The Above Named
Leonard Gill
Died April 14th 1964. Aged 81 Years

In Loving Memory
Frank Gill
A Dear Husband And Father
Died 13th February 1989
Aged 51 Years

Plot No. 1003

Jane Gill - 1940

Plot No. 1245

Olive Blanche Gill - 1948
Herbert Gill - 1944
Margaret - 1944

Plot No. 1254

John Jeffray Gill - 1908
Ellen Gill - 1917

Mary Eleanor Gill - 1915
Clara Blanche Gill - 1948

Plot No. 3021

John Gill 1762 - 1831
Elizabeth Gill 1788 - 1800
Christiana Gill 1794 - 1797
Ann Gill 1788 - 1806
William Gill 1799 - 1855
Tibbey Gill - 1805 - 1872
Jane GILL Plot 1003 - click for full size image
Jane GILL Plot 1003

Olive Blanche GILL Plot 1245 - click for full size image
Olive Blanche GILL Plot 1245

John Jeffray GILL Plot 1254 - click for full size image
John Jeffray GILL Plot 1254

John Gill Plot 3021 - click for full size image
John Gill Plot 3021





In Memory
Jane Gill
Of 28 Park Parade Harrogate
Died Jan 19th 1940

In Loving Memory Of
Olive Blanche Gill
Died Nov 29th 1948 Aged 57 Years
Also Herbert Gill
Died Jan 3rd 1944 Aged 75 Years
Also Margaret, His Wife
Died March 16th 1944 Aged 68 Years

Loving Memory Of
John Jeffray Gill
Who Died Sept. 11th 1908
Aged 70 Years
Also Of Ellen His Wife
Who Died Aug. 22nd 1917
Aged 79 Years
Also Of Mary Eleanor
Daughter Of The Above
Who Died Nov. 20th 1915
Aged 51 Years
Also Clara Blanche Gill
Who Died Oct. 27th 1948
Aged 82 Years

To The Memory Of
John Gill Of Kettlesing Who Died
July 8th 1831 Aged 69 Years
Also Of Elizabeth His Wife Who
Died January 5th 1800 Aged 32
Also Of Christiana
, Daughter Of
The Above Said John And Elizabeth
Gill Who Died May 13th 1797 Aged
3 Years
Also Of Ann Gill, Daughter Of
The Above Said John And Elizabeth
Gill Who Died November 23rd 1806
Aged 17 Years
Also Of William Gill Of
Kettlesing Son Of The Above Said
John And Elizabeth Gill
Died September 1st 1855
Aged 56 Years
Also Of Tibbey Gill Wife Of
William Gill Of Kettlesing
Who Died July 12th 1872
Aged 67 Years

Plot No. 3086

Ann Gill 1820 - 1842
Ralph Bannester Gill 1822 - 1848
Ann Gill 1778 - 1849

Plot No. 3091

John Gill 1829 - 1865
Robert Gill 1832 - 1875
Robert Gill 1806 - 1876
Hannah Gill 1791 - 1882

Plot No. 3127

John Gill 1828 - 1896
Mary Ann Gill 1825 - 1903

Ann Gill Plot 3086 - click for full size image
Ann Gill Plot 3086

John Gill Plot 3091 - click for full size image
John Gill Plot 3091

John Gill Plot 3127 - click for full size image
John Gill Plot 3127




 To The Memory Of
Ann Daughter Of William And Ann Gill
Of Hollings In This Parish
Who Died Novbr 16th 1842
Aged 22 Years
Also Of Ralph Bannester Gill
Second Son Of The Above Who Died
Janry 28th 1848 Aged 26 Years
Also Ann Wife Of The Above Named
William Gill Who Died June 10th 1849
Aged 71 Years
Hope Looks Beyond The Bounds Of Time
When What We Now Deplore
Shall Rise In Full Immortal Prince
Hard Bloom To Fade No More
In Memory
John Gill
Who Died May 12th 1865,
Aged 36 Years
Also Of Robert, Brother Of The Above,
Who Died August 30th 1875 Aged 43 Years
Also Of Robert Gill, Father Of The Above,
Who Died January 2nd 1876 Aged 70 Years
All Of Hampsthwaite
Also Of Hannah, Wife Of Robert Gill
Loving Memory Of
John Gill
Of West Syke Felliscliffe
Who Died Feby 1st 1896
Aged 68 Years
Also Mary Ann Gill
Wife Of The Above
Who Died August 24th 1903
Aged 78 Years
Thy Will Be Done 

Click on images to enlarge
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Church Records

Calverley Info

Additional Information

Click on image to see article on church history
Click on image to see article on church history

Plot No.NameBurial DateAge
#Abraham GILL6 January 188674
#Abram GILL11 February 195283
#Alice GILL6 June 181445
#Ann GILL30 December 179628
#Ann GILL2 April 180279
3021Ann GILL23 November 180617
#Ann GILL2 June 18337
3086Ann GILL16 November 184222
3086Ann GILL10 June 184971
#Ann GILL27 June 187691
3021Christiana GILL13 May 17973
#Christopher GILL20 April 190873
1254Clara Blanche GILL27 October 194882
#Dinah GILL3 January 181424
3021Elizabeth GILL5 January 180032
#Elizabeth GILL9 January 186085
#Elizabeth GILL6 June 186368
#Ellen GILL24 January 180214
#Ellen GILL29 March 18159
1254Ellen GILL22 August 191779
#Francis GILL22 November 18375
#Francis GILL20 September 1840< 1
714Frank GILL13 February 198951
#Frederick William GILL20 September 189533
384Frederick William GILL11 June 198269
#George GILL10 October 18152
#Hannah GILL10 January 184095
3091Hannah GILL30 April 188291
577Harriet GILL11 May 195777
1245Herbert GILL8 January 194475
#Herbert Victor GILL10 January 1866< 1
#Jane GILL12 March 179522
#Jane GILL16 September 180275
#Jane GILL4 March 181472
#Jane GILL21 June 1818< 1
1003Jane GILL19 January 194063
#John GILL11 May 182372
#John GILL11 April 1830< 1
3021John GILL8 July 183169
#John GILL10 June 1834< 1
#John GILL29 May 184224
#John GILL6 December 184581
#John GILL23 March 185558
#John GILL28 January 185877
3091John GILL12 May 186536
3127John GILL1 February 189668
#John GILL8 February 189771
1254John Jeffray GILL11 September 190870
#Joseph GILL25 January 18112
50Kenneth Calvert GILL9 September 199783
577Leonard GILL17 April 196481
1245Margaret Mary GILL16 March 194468
#Mary GILL15 June 18160
#Mary GILL7 December 18260
#Mary GILL9 April 183278
#Mary GILL23 February 184063
#Mary GILL10 April 187376
3127Mary Ann GILL24 August 190378
#Mary Ann GILL11 May 191274
1254Mary Eleanor GILL20 November 191551
#May GILL8 August 186260
#Olive GILL8 December 202179
1245Olive Blanche GILL29 November 194857
3086Ralph Bannester GILL28 January 184826
#Richard GILL5 June 181614
#Richard GILL17 May 183917
#Robert GILL5 April 182678
3091Robert GILL30 August 187543
3091Robert GILL2 January 187670
384Rose GILL-0
#Sarah GILL29 April 179930
#Sarah GILL29 May 180536
#Sarah GILL4 October 18150
#Sarah GILL11 May 182571
#Sarah GILL21 June 1827< 1
#Stephen GILL15 November 180176
#Susannah GILL3 August 190338
#Thomas GILL28 September 180018
#Thomas GILL21 July 181457
#Thomas GILL3 August 181588
#Thomas GILL30 May 1857< 1
#Thomas GILL20 March 186772
3021Tibbey GILL12 July 187267
#Walter GILL5 November 183241
#William GILL22 February 179550
#William GILL27 June 182429
#William GILL19 April 182785
#William GILL21 March 183743
3021William GILL1 September 185556
#William GILL15 April 187357
#William GILL19 December 195184
Calverley Info comprises an excellent and comprehensive collection of historical and genealogical information pertaining to Nidderdale in Yorkshire. Burial Records may be accessed using the links below and may be searched by holding down Ctrl and pressing F then typing in the Surname to be searched for.
The many other Records contained in Calverley Info may also be Searched similarly and, for a more general enquiry, the Calverley Info has its own Vital Records Database Search [Link]

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St. Thomas a'Becket Past Portal
St. Thomas a'Becket Past Portal

Plot Location

Church of St. Thomas a'Becket, Church Lane, Hampsthwaite, Harrogate, HG3 2HB


Gill Name Meaning
English and Scottish: in northern England and Scotland sometimes from Middle English Gille Old Norse Gilli which is of Irish (Gaelic) origin (see below) and pronounced with a hard g. As a personal name it is not found after c. 1200. English and Scottish: topographic name from Middle English gille ‘deep glen ravine’ (Old Norse (Norwegian) gil) pronounced with a hard g. The term is found mainly in northwestern England where Norwegian Vikings settled. English: from a short form of Middle English Gilliam a borrowing of Guillaume a Central French form of William (see Gilliam ) which is also attested in pet forms such as Gillot and Gilmin (see Gillett Gilman ). This name will have been pronounced with a hard g. English: from the Middle English personal name Gille a pet form of Gillian usually a female name but occasionally male. It also gave rise to the surnames Jill Gell and Jell and was pronounced with a soft g hence the spellings with J-. English: from the Middle English and Old French personal name Gille a variant of Giles Scottish Irish and Manx: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Gille (Scottish) Mac Giolla (Irish) patronymics from an occupational name for a servant or a short form of the various personal names formed by attaching this element to the name of a saint. See McGill . The Old Norse personal name Gilli is probably of this origin and may lie behind some examples of the name in northern England. It is also a Manx surname meaning ‘son of the lad (i.e. servant)’.7: Scottish and Irish: shortened Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac An Ghoill (see Gall ).8: Norwegian: habitational name from any of the three farmsteads in western Norway named Gil from Old Norse gil ‘ravine’.9: Dutch: cognate of Giles .10: Jewish (Israeli): artificial name from Hebrew gil ‘joy’.1 German: from a vernacular short form of the medieval personal name Aegilius a later form of Latin Aegidius (see Giles ). This surname is also found in France (Alsace and Lorraine).1 Polish and German: variant or a Germanized form of Polish Gil ‘bullfinch’.1 Indian (Punjab): Sikh name probably from Punjabi gil ‘moisture’ also meaning ‘prosperity’. There is a Jat tribe that bears this name; the Ramgarhia Sikhs also have a clan called Gill.
Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
Similar surnames: