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| Current Year - 2019Planning information in the Hampsthwaite area supplied by Harrogate Borough Council Return to Parish Council main article Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window) 14 Hollins Lane Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.332.A.FUL 19/02685/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of a dormer extension; Extension of the detached garage to provide studio/office space. LOCATION: 14 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EJ GRID REF: E 426035 N 458563 APPLICANT: Mrs Susannah Koo & Mr Sam Jackson PUBLIC ACCESS: 2 Finden Gardens Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.170.A.FUL 19/02588/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of detached garage. Erection of two storey extension. Formation of porch and alteration to fenestration LOCATION: 2 Finden Gardens Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EL GRID REF: E 425987 N 458590 APPLICANT: Mr And Mrs Fisher PUBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 19/01462/FUL at 41 Hollins Lane APPLICATION NO: 6.92.337.FUL 19/01462/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension; Alterations to fenestration and finishing materials. LOCATION: 41 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG GRID REF: E 426210 N 458498 APPLICANT: Ms Stacy Cody PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Notification regarding Land Comprising Field At 426031 458228, Brookfield Garth, Hampsthwaite PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASE NO: 19/00285/BRPC01 LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 426031 458228 Brookfield Garth Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire ALLEGED BREACH: Cutting hedgerows & trees PLANNING REF: 18/01879/REMMAJ 31 Brookfield Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.338.FUL 19/01770/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey extension and infill wall. LOCATION: 31 Brookfield Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EF GRID REF: E 425917 N 458343 APPLICANT: Mr J Arthur PUBLIC ACCESS: 21 Dale Close Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.339.FUL 19/01899/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of detached garage; erection of single storey extension and garden shed. LOCATION: 21 Dale Close Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire HG3 2EQ GRID REF: E 426154 N 458367 APPLICANT: Mrs R Raspin PUBLIC ACCESS: 11 Finden Gardens Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.171.B.FUL 19/01887/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension and alterations to fenestration. LOCATION: 11 Finden Gardens Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EN GRID REF: E 425923 N 458587 APPLICANT: Messrs C And D Scruton PUBLIC ACCESS: 41 Hollins Lane Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.337.FUL 19/01462/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension; Alterations to fenestration and finishing materials. LOCATION: 41 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG GRID REF: E 426210 N 458498 APPLICANT: Ms Stacy Cody PUBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 19/00416/FUL at Irestone APPLICATION NO: 6.92.110.B.FUL 19/00416/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of single storey extensions; Erection of single storey extension; Erection of first floor extension; Alterations to fenestration. LOCATION: Irestone 3 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EJ GRID REF: E 426009 N 458631 APPLICANT: Mrs Catherine Ann Barker PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Hampsthwaite Church Of England Primary School Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.203.I.FUL 19/00848/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of single-storey building providing educational facilities. LOCATION: Hampsthwaite Church Of England Primary School High Street Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EZ GRID REF: E 425984 N 458753 APPLICANT: Mr Andrew Phoenix PUBLIC ACCESS: Woodview Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.336.FUL 19/00659/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey extension. LOCATION: Woodview 9 High Street Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EP GRID REF: E 425863 N 458634 APPLICANT: Mr G Knipe PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Notification regarding Land Comprising Field At 426031 458228, Brookfield Garth, Hampsthwaite PLANNING ENFORCEMENT CASE NO: 19/00158/BRPC15 LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 426031 458228 Brookfield Garth Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire ALLEGED BREACH: Breach of various planning conditions - to be confirmed PLANNING REF: 17/01597/OUTMAJ, 18/01879/REMMAJ Irestone Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.110.B.FUL 19/00416/FUL PROPOSAL: Demolition of single storey extensions; Erection of single storey extension; Erection of first floor extension; Alterations to fenestration. LOCATION: Irestone 3 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EJ GRID REF: E 426009 N 458631 APPLICANT: Mrs Catherine Ann Barker PUBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 19/00280/FUL at 58 Hollins Lane APPLICATION NO: 6.92.334.A.FUL 19/00280/FUL PROPOSAL: Retrospective application for the erection of a 1.2m boundary wall and gate with 2 no. 1.4m gate posts. LOCATION: 58 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG GRID REF: E 426168 N 458287 APPLICANT: Mr G Walsh PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Land Comprising Field At 426214 458274 Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.330.A.FUL 19/00720/FUL PROPOSAL: Formation of new access and temporary storage compound and storage area. LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 426214 458274 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire PUBLIC ACCESS: Proposed Footpath Diversion at land adjacent to Cruet Farm, Hampsthwaite This order is made by Harrogate Borough Council under section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 because it is satisfied that it is necessary to divert the footpath to which this order relates in order to enable development to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted under Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 namely: the erection of 4 dwellinghouses. Woodview Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.336.FUL 19/00659/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of a single storey extension. LOCATION: Woodview 9 High Street Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EP PUBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 18/04966/FUL at Victoria Farm APPLICATION NO: 6.92.231.A.FUL 18/04966/FUL PROPOSAL: Conversion of agricultural buildings to 1 no. dwelling. LOCATION: Victoria Farm Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HR PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Irestone Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.110.B.FUL 19/00416/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension; Erection of first floor extension; Erection of two storey extension. LOCATION: Irestone 3 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EJ UBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 18/05026/FUL at Site Of Ashcroft APPLICATION NO: 6.92.142.M.FUL 18/05026/FUL PROPOSAL: Installation of x2 ground mounted solar PV arrays. LOCATION: Site Of Ashcroft Rowden Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2HR PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED 58 Hollins Lane Planning Application Consultation APPLICATION NO: 6.92.334.A.FUL 19/00280/FUL PROPOSAL: Retrospective application for the erection of a 1.2m boundary wall and gate with 2 no. 1.5m gate posts. LOCATION: 58 Hollins Lane Hampsthwaite HG3 2EG PUBLIC ACCESS: Notification of decision for Planning Application Ref No 18/04788/FUL at 72 Brookfield Crescent APPLICATION NO: 6.92.175.D.FUL 18/04788/FUL PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension. LOCATION: 72 Brookfield Crescent Hampsthwaite Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 2EE PUBLIC ACCESS: APPROVED Current Year - 2019 Planning information in the Hampsthwaite area supplied by Harrogate Borough Council Return to Parish Council main article Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window) |