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  • Scrubbers and Stones

    SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE! Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please! Hot & Cold Drinks Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials . . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am . . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
  • Hampsthwaite Open Gardens

     Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE) Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall Plant sales - many named varieties of plants Delicious homemade refreshments Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
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    Free genealogy websites will help you start your family history research at no cost as listed by the 'Who Do You Think You Are' magazine.
  • Kitchen Refurbishment

    Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden

    A highly successful composer of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Amy Woodforde-Finden, together with her husband and step-son, is laid to rest in the churchyard of St Thomas à Becket Parish Church. Inside the church there is an impressive marble monument of her, created by the renowned sculptor George Edward  Wade. It was unveiled in 1923 and a few years later, Finden Gardens in Hampsthwaite was named in her honour.[Click on title or image to link to articles]
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden Centenary Events (1)

    Amy Woodforde-Finden : re-enactment of her memorial unveilingA wreath was laid on the white marble recumbent figure of Amy to mark the centenary of its unveiling in April 15th 1923. Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.  
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden Centenary Events (2)

    Amy Woodforde-Finden : 'An Evening with Amy'A centenary concert to celebrate the life and works of Amy was held in Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall on April 21st 2023 Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.  
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2017 Archive

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Planning information in the Hampsthwaite area supplied by Harrogate Borough Council

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Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window)

Harrogate District Sites and Polices Development Plan

Parish Council Consultation Letter - Changes

During the course of a planning application, as a result of the data protection act, we are required to redact information such as signatures. As you can appreciate, this is a labour intensive task that uses a lot of resource and has a high associated risk. We have been looking at ways across the service we can reduce the risk and ensure this information is never placed into the public domain.

There is no need for consultation responses to be signed so as a result, the area for signature has now been removed from consultation letters. The majority of consultation responses we now receive are electronic, which is greatly appreciated as this results in a speedy response to the case officer and less resource from the team.

It would be greatly appreciated if going forward, consultation responses are provided without a signature, including for applications where the consultation letter may have already been received.

Harrogate Borough Council - Harrogate District Local Plan CRM:0008722

Harrogate Borough Council is preparing a new Local Plan that will set out how the district should grow and develop to 2035. At the end of 2016 the council consulted on a draft Local Plan, including draft site allocations, and sought views on two options for a new settlement, (at Flaxby or Green Hammerton). It was made clear at this time that only one option would be taken forward within the Local Plan.

Since this time a review of the housing need and employment land requirements for the district has been undertaken and this has concluded that an increase in the number of new homes and jobs being planned for is necessary. In light of this additional site allocations have been drafted for inclusion within the Local Plan.


All of the consultation documents and other supporting material will be available to view online at: Copies of the consultation document will be available from Friday 14 July and can be viewed during normal opening hours at all the district's libraries and at the council's Crescent Gardens offices in Harrogate, Ripon Town Hall and Knaresborough House.

The consultation focuses solely on the new sites being added to the plan to ensure we meet local housing need. There will be an opportunity to comment on all other aspects of the new Local Plan during the last public consultation which is due to take place in January 2018.

A number of exhibitions will be taking place providing the opportunity to talk to officers from the Planning Policy team. Exhibitions will be held at:

Ripon Town HallWednesday19 July 2-7pm
Green Hammerton Village HallTuesday25 July 2-7pm
Gracious Street Methodist Hall, KnaresboroughWednesday26 July 2-7pm
Boroughbridge LibraryThursday27 July 2-7pm
Wesley Centre, HarrogateSaturday29 July 10am-2pm

We would encourage you to submit comments to the Additional Sites Consultation through our consultation portal at

Alternatively you can write to us at P.O. Box 787, Harrogate, HG1 9RW or Please make sure you include the full name of your organisation and address with any comments you submit. We cannot accept comments submitted anonymously, or with only a name and email address.

However you choose to respond, please make sure your comments are submitted to us by 4:30pm on Friday 25th August.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Rebecca Burnett
Harrogate Borough Council's Cabinet Member for Planning

Corporate Customer Service Team
Harrogate Borough Council
PO Box 787

Tel: 01423500600
web site:
Open : Monday to Thursday 8.30am - 5.00pm, Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm

Public Exhibition Event 20th July 2017

I email this afternoon on behalf of Vernon & Co. to inform you of a forthcoming public consultation event at Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall in relation to the proposed residential development on land at Rowden Road, Hampsthwaite.

You may be aware that the site has previously been promoted through the Council’s Strategic Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment and Local Plan processes. It is now the intention of Vernon & Co. to submit an outline planning application for the residential development of up to 150 dwellings. 

At this current time we wish to inform you of the public event which will take the form of a drop-in consultation between the hours of 4pm and 8pm on Thursday 20th July 2017. Representatives of Vernon & Co. and their consultancy team will be available at the event to discuss the development proposals.

In advance of the opening of the exhibition event we wish to invite the Parish Council to a private viewing of the exhibition material and discussion with the development team at 3.30pm. I would be grateful if you could please confirm if you wish to take this opportunity to meet on the 20th July.

I have attached a copy of the information leaflet which will be distributed to residents living in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development site over the coming days. We invite you to publish these details on the Parish Council website and circulate the leaflet and details to interest groups and residents of Hampsthwaite.

The development team are currently drafting information boards. Those boards will be uploaded for viewing on the Johnson Mowat consultation website from the date of the event should residents be unable to attend.
Should you wish to discuss any of the above in the meantime please get in touch. Further details will be provided in due course.
Kind regards,
Becky Lomas MRTPI
Senior Planner

Rowden Lane, Hampsthwaite

I am promoter of the site HM4 and HM5 adjacent to Rowden Lane and would welcome an early opportunity to consult with  the village's Parish Council.

We intend to submit an early application and are planning a public consultation event on 20th July to which all members of the Parish Council will be invited. 

In addition to this I wondered if you would like to organise a smaller meeting between keys members of the Parish Council ahead of that?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Peter Vernon
07702 415772
Site PlanSite Plan (210k bytes)


We wrote recently to all parish council’s to provide an update on the timetable for the Local Plan and advise you of a consultation on additional sites that will be taking place between the 14 July and 25 August 2017.

We have since received a number of requests for an electronic copy of the letter therefore, please find attached a PDF version of the letter for your records.

Also, further to the information provided in the letter you can now view the published Local Development Scheme second review on the council’s website. A link to the Local Development Scheme webpage is provided below.
2017 Archive

Planning information in the Hampsthwaite area supplied by Harrogate Borough Council

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Link to HBC's Online Planning Application Information (opens in a new window)

Harrogate District Sites and Polices Development Plan

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