Recent articles

  • Blind Peter Barker

    Remembering Hampsthwaite’s Blind Joiner - an article by Shaun WilsonLike the market town of Knaresborough, who had ‘Blind Jack’ – John Metcalf, the road builder of Yorkshire in the eighteenth century, the small rural village of Hampsthwaite had it’s blind hero also, almost a century later – Peter Barker who became known as ‘The Blind Joiner of Hampsthwaite.’ Though there are some similarities between John Metcalf and Peter Barker’s lives, these are purely co-incidental and each fulfilled a life, character and career in their own right.
  • The Execution of Hannah Whitley

    Arsenic Poisoning in Hampsthwaite - The Execution of Hannah Whitley In 1789, Hannah Whitley of Hampsthwaite used a pie as the delivery medium for a fatal dose of arsenic, with the poison concentrated in the crust. She claimed She had been coerced into the act of poisoning by her employer, a local linen weaver named Horseman, who was involved in an on-going feud with the intended victim.
  • Jane Ridsdale

    JANE RIDSDALEAged 33 years, born at Hampsthwaite, near Harrogate, Yorkshire, her height is 31 ½ inches.She is remarkably chearfull & enjoys very good health.Published July 1st 1807 by Jane Ridstale, at Harrogate where purchasers of this Print will have the opportunity of seeing and conversing with her
  • Joshua Tetley

    Joshua Tetley was the founder of Tetley’s Brewery in Leeds, and he retired with his wife Hannah to Hollins Hall on the outskirts of Hampsthwaite (Hollins Hall Retirement Village).
  • Scrubbers and Stones

    SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE! Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please! Hot & Cold Drinks Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials . . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am . . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
  • Hampsthwaite Open Gardens

     Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE) Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall Plant sales - many named varieties of plants Delicious homemade refreshments Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
  • Genealogy Websites

    Free genealogy websites will help you start your family history research at no cost as listed by the 'Who Do You Think You Are' magazine.
  • Kitchen Refurbishment

    Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden

    A highly successful composer of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Amy Woodforde-Finden, together with her husband and step-son, is laid to rest in the churchyard of St Thomas à Becket Parish Church. Inside the church there is an impressive marble monument of her, created by the renowned sculptor George Edward  Wade. It was unveiled in 1923 and a few years later, Finden Gardens in Hampsthwaite was named in her honour.[Click on title or image to link to articles]
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden Centenary Events (1)

    Amy Woodforde-Finden : re-enactment of her memorial unveilingA wreath was laid on the white marble recumbent figure of Amy to mark the centenary of its unveiling in April 15th 1923. Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.  
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Learn My Way with Hampsthwaite Online : BLOCK 1 : Getting Started

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Course descriptions, links and downloads for Sessions in Block 1

Session 0

This is not a requirement and all can be covered during the tutored sessions but you may wish to engage in some pre-session practice before joining us.

  • Activities:
  1. Create safe passwords (which you can remember!). Consider one for general use and another for secure personal use. Check strength of passwords at (but experiment with similar passwords rather than your actual passwords - just in case!). Try substituting letters for similar looking numbers or symbols.
  2. Sign up to the Learn My Way web site - see
  3. Complete the Planner – see
  • Tips:
  1. Make sure your computer has is configured to update automatically and is protected with at least Security Essentials – see
  • Further Practice:
  1. Computer Basics – at
  2. Icons and Windows – at
  3. Printing – at
  4. Free Basic Computer Training -  see
Managing WindowsManaging Windows (977k bytes)
Working with WindowsWorking with Windows (1.29M bytes)

Session 1: Learn My Way – Getting Started with Keyboard
  • Introduction:
  1. Video -
  2. OB1 Keyboard basics – see
  • Activities:
  1. Just Your Type – see
  2. BBC Shooting Gallery Game – see
  3. Use Google Translate - see
  • Tips:
  1. Hold down Shift and type to obtain CAPITALS and symbols temporarily
  2. With CapsLk on you will type capitals all the time (but not symbols) - this can be the reason why passwords sometimes don't work
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC Intro to the Keyboard – see
  2. YouTube - see for wealth of free-to-access videos covering just about any subject you could imagine - try typing Hampsthwaite into the search box for example!

Session 2: Learn My Way – Getting Started with Mouse
  • Introduction:
  1. Video -
  2. OB2 Mouse Basics – see
  • Activities:
  1. BBC Clicky Mouse Game - see -
  2. Stick Man Game – see
  3. Sheep Game - see
  • Tips:
  1. Single click the left button to select and double click for action - single click the right hand button for menus of what is available
  2. To enlarge Icons and Font Size, right click on the Desktop then choose Properties from the Menu. Select the Appearance tab to change Font Size and Effects is where you can select Use large icons
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC intro to the Mouse -
  2. Mouse and Keyboard Tips with Sandy – see

Session 3: Learn My Way – Getting Started with Email
  • Introduction:
  1. Video – see
  2. OB3 Email Basics – see
  3. OB3 Using email - sign in at
  • Activities:
  1. set up Hotmail - see
  2. set up G Mail – see
  3. set up Yahoo – see
  4. Send basic emails to other learners, tutors, friends or family
  5. Set up a Google Calendar – see
  • Tips:
  1. check if a suspect email is SPAM by pasting its subject line into Google
  2. attachments can be dragged on to some emails to send them - usually near the top.
  3. NEVER follow an email link to a banking site or PayPal for example - always type in the address yourself and go to the site directly to check.
  4. If something seems too good to be true - it probably is!
  • Further practice
  1. BBC WebWise – see
  • Additional Note:
  1. The website can be used access most emails from any computer  (you will need your email username, usually your email addresss, and password - remember passwords are case sensitve).
  2. It has been around for years and seems to be a bona-fide service, but best used for 'client based' accounts such as Outlook Express, since Gmail seems not to like it and regards it as a suspicious sign-in. This is not an issue because if you have a Gmail account, this too can be accessed from any computer and the better solution would be to have all other email accounts automatically forwarded to it
Using emailUsing email (671k bytes)

Session 4: Learn My Way – Getting Started with the Internet (1: safe use)
  • Introduction
  1. Video -
  2. What's Online? - see (search for own name)
  3. OB4 Using the internet safely - sign in at
  • Activities:
  1. Test your password(s) at (but experiment with ones simlar to your actual password - just in case!)
  2. Go to to try out your holiday phrases.
  3. See aircraft flying over Hampsthwaite - 
  4. Explore our village web site - see
  5. Find your house in Google Maps - see
  6. Web Cams - see
  • Tips:
  1. check the end of a web site address to see its country of origin (eg .in = India) and be wary of foreign sites unless you are booking a holiday etc.
  2. make sure the web site address has not been altered slightly - eg from does not become for example
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC WebWise – see
  2. BBC WebWise – see
  3. How to stay safe online - see

Session 5: Learn My Way – Getting Started with the Internet (2: searching and saving)
  • Introduction
  1. OB5 Using online searches- sign in at
  2. Copying and Pasting
  3. Open Office - see
  • Activities:
  1. Search your Family Tree – see
  2. Search WikiPedia - see
  3. Search YouTube - see
  • Tips:
  1. Control 'C' will copy and Control 'V' will paste
  2. Right 'Click' on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen to 'tile' open windows
  3. You don't have to type in http://
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC WebWise – see
  2. BBC WebWise – see
  3. BBC WebWise - see

Session 6: Learn My Way –  Photos on-line
  • Introduction
  1. Photos on-line – see
  • Activities:
  1. Use Picassa to edit photos - see
  • Tips:
  1. Check the size of photos before sending them by email
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC WebWise – see

Session 7: Learn My Way –  Shopping and Services Online
  • Introduction
  1. Shopping on line – see
  2. Make Money Work – see
  3. OB6 Public Services – see
  • Activities:
  1. Thompson's Auctioneers - see
  2. Find a bargain? - see
  3. Compare energy prices - and more! - see
  4. Find the best price of something you might wish to buy – see
  5. Use google to find Harrogate Borough Council - see
  • Tips:
  1. Pay with a credit card or use PayPal to gain some protection against fraud
  2. Use well known brands for preference (eg Amazon, Azda, Marks and Spencer, Debenhams, or B&Q etc.)
  3. Check that a web site address is https before entering personal data into it
  4. Avoid saving your bank card details where possible
  5. Have a different and strong password for any sites where you enter personal data or engage in money transactions.
  6. Strong passwords contain a mixture or capital and lower case letters plus numbers - and even symbols.
  • Further practice:
  1. BBC WebWise – see
  2. Use public services online – see
  3. Check prices before you shop – see
  4. Online supermarket – see

Learn My Way with Hampsthwaite Online : BLOCK 1 : Getting Started

Course descriptions, links and downloads for Sessions in Block 1

Session 0

This is not a requirement and all can be covered during the tutored sessions but you may wish to engage in some pre-session practice before joining us.

  • Activities:
  1. Create safe passwords (which you can remember!). Consider one for general use and another for secure personal use. Check strength of passwords at (but experiment with similar passwords rather than your actual passwords - just in case!). Try substituting letters for similar looking numbers or symbols.
  2. Sign up to the Learn My Way web site - see
  3. Complete the Planner – see
  • Tips:
  1. Make sure your computer has is configured to update automatically and is protected with at least Security Essentials – see
  • Further Practice:
  1. Computer Basics – at
  2. Icons and Windows – at
  3. Printing – at
  4. Free Basic Computer Training -  see
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