Recent articles

  • Hampsthwaite Housing

    Local planning authorities need to regularly identify and update their supply of sites for housing development as part of their adopted local plan. North Yorkshire Council is currently drawing up a new county wide local plan and a new consultation (Issues and Options) is about to begin.
  • VE-Day80 8 - 10 May 2025

    Our Memorial Hall was built to honour the fallen in two world wars and give thanks to those who returned. It is appropriate therefore that we play our full part in the national celebrations and village activities are planned for May 8th VE-Day and Saturday May 10th 2025
  • Jane Ridsdale

    JANE RIDSDALEAged 33 years, born at Hampsthwaite, near Harrogate, Yorkshire, her height is 31 ½ inches.She is remarkably chearfull & enjoys very good health.Published July 1st 1807 by Jane Ridstale, at Harrogate where purchasers of this Print will have the opportunity of seeing and conversing with her
  • The Execution of Hannah Whitley

    Arsenic Poisoning in Hampsthwaite - The Execution of Hannah Whitley In 1789, Hannah Whitley of Hampsthwaite used a pie as the delivery medium for a fatal dose of arsenic, with the poison concentrated in the crust. She claimed She had been coerced into the act of poisoning by her employer, a local linen weaver named Horseman, who was involved in an on-going feud with the intended victim.
  • Joshua Tetley

    Joshua Tetley was the founder of Tetley’s Brewery in Leeds, and he retired with his wife Hannah to Hollins Hall on the outskirts of Hampsthwaite (Hollins Hall Retirement Village).
  • Blind Peter Barker

    Remembering Hampsthwaite’s Blind Joiner - an article by Shaun WilsonLike the market town of Knaresborough, who had ‘Blind Jack’ – John Metcalf, the road builder of Yorkshire in the eighteenth century, the small rural village of Hampsthwaite had it’s blind hero also, almost a century later – Peter Barker who became known as ‘The Blind Joiner of Hampsthwaite.’ Though there are some similarities between John Metcalf and Peter Barker’s lives, these are purely co-incidental and each fulfilled a life, character and career in their own right.
  • Hampsthwaite Open Gardens

     Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE) Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall Plant sales - many named varieties of plants Delicious homemade refreshments Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
  • Scrubbers and Stones

    SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE! Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please! Hot & Cold Drinks Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials . . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am . . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
  • Genealogy Websites

    Free genealogy websites will help you start your family history research at no cost as listed by the 'Who Do You Think You Are' magazine.
  • Kitchen Refurbishment

    Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
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Village Society


To preserve and improve the character and amenities of the village. To promote activities of interest to the members.

"Where friends meet hearts warm"
- Scottish proverb


Hampsthwaite Village buildings and their histories

The following is the text of a letter from the Chairman currently being delivered to households as and when their property is about to be photographed and which explains the project:

In 1999 the Society published the first of its planned series of books on village history. That first book comprised a collection of reminiscences by several villagers of their lives here, how they lived and the people they knew. The book sold out and is still in demand, so much so that we are now considering the possibility of a reprint.The second book in the series will deal with some of the buildings in the village, their histories and uses.

Although some sterling work has already been done towards its preparation, we have much yet to do before we reach the point of publication. To support and extend that work the Society has decided to create an archive of all village buildings on the existing village website. We hope to include on the site a picture of each building with a short architectural description. Buildings with a special history will be the subject of additional and further comment.

The site will be inter-active i.e. viewers will be encouraged to submit their own recollections about any property and to share any old photographs they may have. In this way we hope to create a record of the built environment which will provide a fascinating insight into life here for the benefit of the present and future generations. If you have access to the internet you can see now the beginnings of the archive by visiting:

In the next few days or weeks we will be taking (from the roadside - so as not to reveal anything that is not already seen by any passer-by) a photograph of, and writing a very brief description of, your property. We shall then deliver a copy to you for approval and further comment if appropriate and before including the entry on the website.

We will be very keen to hear from you with any additional information or pictures you may care to provide not only in relation to your property but also any other building in the village and which you think can assist our project. Eventually you will be able to read of some of these buildings in the proposed new book and (if you have internet access) review the full content of the new archive.

We sincerely hope you will support us in our efforts to preserve the history of our village for the residents of the future.

If you have any points to raise about the scheme or would like further information please contact either . . .
Paul Parker at Cornerstone House, Church Lane (tel: 772583)
or Graham Williams at 4 St Thomas a Becket Walk (tel: 772593)


Link to image gallery of photos supplied by members of the Village Society

Data Protection Act 1998:

Hampsthwaite Village Society holds on computer file the names and addresses of its members. This information is used solely to print address labels to mail newsletters and information.

Under the Data Protection Act, any member may object to their name being kept on computer file. Objections should be sent to The Treasurer at 45 High Street, Hampsthwaite.

Village Society

To preserve and improve the character and amenities of the village. To promote activities of interest to the members.

"Where friends meet hearts warm"
- Scottish proverb
