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  • Scrubbers and Stones

    SCRUBBERS & STONES - Sat 29th June 10.30am - 2.30pm - Entry FREE! Explore the Memorials at St Thomas a'Becket Memorials Treasure Trail - for children if all ages Self-Service / Self-Checkout BBQ from 12 noon (inc. veg option) Food £2, Drink £1, Donations? - yes please! Hot & Cold Drinks Laptop & Screen to show Mapping Hampsthwaite’s Past Use a Bucket & Brush to help reveal Inscriptions on the older memorials . . . or just Sit & Enjoy CORPUS CHRISTI BRASS BAND . . . from 11.30am . . . followed by Afternoon Tea & Cakes at the Memorial Hall!
  • Hampsthwaite Open Gardens

     Hampsthwaite Open Gardens - Sat 29th June 12.30am - 5.00pm - Entry £5.00 (accompanied under 15's FREE) Tickets on the day from Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall Plant sales - many named varieties of plants Delicious homemade refreshments Afternoon tea and cakes served from 12.30pm at the Memorial Hall
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  • Kitchen Refurbishment

    Memorial Hall kitchen is now completely, and expertly, refurbished by Neil,Batty Builders Ltd as a result of a grant awarded by the National Lottery's 'Reaching Communities' fund.See also the equivalent
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden

    A highly successful composer of the late Victorian and Edwardian eras, Amy Woodforde-Finden, together with her husband and step-son, is laid to rest in the churchyard of St Thomas à Becket Parish Church. Inside the church there is an impressive marble monument of her, created by the renowned sculptor George Edward  Wade. It was unveiled in 1923 and a few years later, Finden Gardens in Hampsthwaite was named in her honour.[Click on title or image to link to articles]
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden Centenary Events (1)

    Amy Woodforde-Finden : re-enactment of her memorial unveilingA wreath was laid on the white marble recumbent figure of Amy to mark the centenary of its unveiling in April 15th 1923. Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.  
  • Amy Woodforde-Finden Centenary Events (2)

    Amy Woodforde-Finden : 'An Evening with Amy'A centenary concert to celebrate the life and works of Amy was held in Hampsthwaite Memorial Hall on April 21st 2023 Click on images to open full-size in new window and use the Browser back arrow to return to here.  
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Bramley Name Meaning
English (North Midlands): habitational name from any of various places (in Derbyshire Hampshire Surrey Yorkshire and elsewhere) named Bramley from Old English brōm ‘broom gorse’ + lēah ‘woodland clearing’.
Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
Similar surnames:

Plot No. 119

William Bramley 1719
Rose Bramley 1730
Miles Bramley 1757

Plot No. 120

William Bramley 1766
George Bramley 1766
 Ann Bramley 1802

Plot No.120

Marmaduke Bramley 1843
Diana Bramley 1852
 William Bramley Plot 119 - click for full size image
William Bramley Plot 119
 William Bramley Plot 120 - click for full size image
William Bramley Plot 120
Marmaduke Bramley Plot 120 - click for full size image
Marmaduke Bramley Plot 120




Bramley Of New
Bridge Died May
The 28 Anno Dom
1719 Aged 72 Years
Rose Bramley His
Wife Died Feb Ye 2nd
Anno Dom 1730
Aged 67 Years
Here Also Lyeth The
Body Of Miles Bram
ley Son Of The Above
William And Rose
Bramley Who Died
The 7th Day Of April
Anno Dom 1757 Aged
62 Years

 Lieth The Body Of
William Bramley Of
Clapham Green Who De-
Parted This Life, The 4th Day
Of February 1766 In The
60th Year Of His Age
Free From Deceit He Was Who Lieth Here
A Husband True And Parent Was Most Dear
Also George His Son, Who
Died The 3rd Of May 1766
Aged 7 Years
Weep Not For Me Because I Died So Young
For He That’s Good Can Never Die Too Soon?
Ann Wife Of The Above Mentioned
William Bramley Of Clapham-
Green Died August 24th 1802
Aged 86 Years
Also Marmaduke Son Of The
Above Mentioned William And
Ann Bramley Of Clapham-Green
Who Died Oct 12th 1803 Aged 36 Years
Praise Upon Tombs Are Words But
Vainly Spent
A Man’s Good Deeds Is His
Best Monument

 In Memory Of
Marmaduke Bramley Of
Who Died June 17th 1843 Aged 61
Also Of Diana, Wife Of The Above,
Who Died August 23rd 1852
Aged 67 Years.
“One Family United Here, Waits Till The Judge Shall Come, Bids Us To Check The Rising Lean; And Seek A Heavenly Home”.

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Plot No. 120

William Bramley 1838
Mary Bramley 1847
 Bramley 1863

Plot No. 120

William Bramley 1861
Charles Henry
 Bramley 1864


Plot No. 134

Ellen Bramley 1859

 William Bramley Plot 120 - click for full size image
William Bramley Plot 120
Charles Bramley Plot 120 - click for full size image
Charles Bramley Plot 120
Ellen Bramley Plot 134 - click for full size image
Ellen Bramley Plot 134




To The Memory Of
William Bramley Of Rowden
Lane In This Township, Who
Departed This Life July
21st 1838 Aged 65 Years
I Was So Long With Pain Opprest
Which Wore My Strength Away
I Pray’d For An Eternal Rest
Which Never Will Decay
Also Mary Wife Of The Above
Named William Bramley
Who Died March 25th 1847
Aged 71 Years
Also Elizabeth Daughter Of The
Above Who Died July 19th 1863
Aged 59 Years

To The Memory Of
William Bramley
Of Rowden Lane, Hampsthwaite
Who Died April 7th 1861
Aged 52 Years
Our Days On The Earth Are As A Shadow,
And There Is None Abiding.
1. Chron.Xxix.150
Also Of
Charles Henry, Son Of
The Above Who Died Jan.19th 1864
Aged 2 Years And 8 Months
To The Memory Of
Ellen Bramley
Third Daughter Of The Late
Marmaduke And Dorinda Bramley
Of Clapham Green
In This Parish
Who Died At Knaresborough
On The 2nd Of August 1859
Aged 81 Years
Them That Sleep In Jesus Will God Bring With Him.
1 Thess Iv. Xiv.

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Plot No. 134

Mary Bramley 1811
William Bramley 1836
William Bramley 1847

 Plot No. 580

Albert Bramley 1971
Elsie Bramley 2014

 Plot No. 638

Dennis Bramley 2008

 William Bramley Plot 134 - click for full size image
William Bramley Plot 134
Albert Bramley Plot 580 - click for full size image
Albert Bramley Plot 580
Dennis Bramley Plot 638 - click for full size image
Dennis Bramley Plot 638




Sacred To The Memory
Of Mary, Wife Of William
Bramley Of Knaresborough
Who Departed This Life, Much
Demented, March 18th 1811, Age
57 Years
Mark Reader, Mark How Chang’d, How Alter’d Lies
The Heart That Once With Piety Swell’d High
Read Your Own Fate, On Hers: In Time, Be Wise,
And From Her Meek Example, Learn To Die
Also To The
Memory Of The Above Named
William Bramley
Who Died Much Respected
March 12th 1836.
Aged 92 Years
Also William, Son Of The Above Named
William And Mary Bramley
Whi Departed This Life February
1847. Aged 63 Years
I Was So Long With Pain Oppressed
Which Wore My Strength Away
I Pray’d For Eternal Rest
That Never Will Decay

Memories Of
A Dear Husband
Father And Grandad
Albert Bramley
Died 13th October 1971
Aged 56 Years
Elsie Bramley
A Loving Wife
Mother, Gran
And Great Nan
Died 28th July 2014
Aged 98 Years

In Loving Memory
Dennis Bramley
Much Loved Husband
Dad And Grandad
Died 21st February 2008
Aged 63 Years
Forever In Our Hearts

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Plot No. 861

Robert Bramley 1911
Ellen Bramley 1935
Mary Ann Bramley 1914
Henry Bramley 1939

Plot No. 1205

John Bramley 

Plot No. 3125

Sarah Bramley 1898

Robert Bramley Plot 861 - click for full size image
Robert Bramley Plot 861
John Bramley Plot 1205 - click for full size image
John Bramley Plot 1205
Sarah Bramley Plot 3125 - click for full size image
Sarah Bramley Plot 3125




Loving Memory
Robert Bramley
Of Knaresborough
Late Of Fewston
Who Died Nov. 29th 1911
In His 69th Year
Nearer My God To Thee
Ellen Bramley
Wife Of The Above
Died March 29th 1935
Aged 79 Years
Also Of Mary Ann
Daughter Of The Above
Who Died May 18th 1914
Aged 21 Years
"In The Midst Of Life We Are In Death"
Albert Henry Bramley
Died Nov. 14th 1939
Aged 45 Years
Rest In Peace
In Memory Of
John Bramley
Of Fewston
Aged 90 Years 

In Loving Memory Of
Sarah Bramley
Of Ivy House Fewston
Born 14? November ?
Died 8 April 1898

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Plot No. 3163

 William Bramley 1884
Mary Ann Bramley 1869


 Plot No. 120

 Mary Rhodes 1824

William Bramley Plot 3163 - click for full size image
William Bramley Plot 3163
Mary Rhodes Plot 120 - click for full size image
Mary Rhodes Plot 120




Sacred To The Memory Of
William Bramley
Of ??
Died January 9th 1884
Aged 80 Years
Also Of
Mary Ann Bramley
Wife Of The Above
Died May 12th 1869
Aged 86 Years


In Loving Memory Of
Mary The Wife Of Joseph Rhodes
Of Birstwith And Daughter Of
William And Mary Bramley Of
Rowden Lane Who Died April The 10th 1824
Aged 21 Years“
You Viewers All Both Old And Young
Your Time On Earth Will Not Be Long
For Like A Lily, Fresh And Green
I Was Cut Down, and No More Seen

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Church Records

Calverley Info

Additional Information

Click on image to see article on church history
Click on image to see article on church history

Plot No.NameBurial DateAge
#Agnes BRAMLEY9 Oct 189366
580Albert BRAMLEY13 Oct 197156
861Albert Henry BRAMLEY14 Nov 193945
#Alfred Joseph BRAMLEY20 Oct 18684
#Alice BRAMLEY5 Feb 186067
#Ann BRAMLEY27 Aug 180285
#Ann BRAMLEY3 Jun 183410
#Annie Elizabeth BRAMLEY24 Nov 190345
#Charles BRAMLEY5 Dec 184390
133Charles Henry BRAMLEY22 Jan 18642
638Dennis BRAMLEY21 Feb 200863
120Diana BRAMLEY23 Aug 185267
#Dorinda BRAMLEY24 Nov 182080
#Elizabeth BRAMLEY4 Feb 179812
#Elizabeth BRAMLEY29 Mar 183090
#Elizabeth BRAMLEY7 Jul 183520
#Elizabeth BRAMLEY25 Oct 18467
#Elizabeth BRAMLEY22 Jul 186357
#Ellen BRAMLEY20 Oct 181580
134Ellen BRAMLEY2 Aug 185981
861Ellen BRAMLEY29 Mar 193579
580Elsie BRAMLEY28 Jul 201498
#James BRAMLEY5 Aug 183110
#James BRAMLEY12 Nov 185269
#John BRAMLEY26 Sep 181374
1205John BRAMLEY22 Feb 193490
#Marmaduke BRAMLEY15 Oct 180361
#Marmaduke BRAMLEY28 Mar 18105
#Marmaduke BRAMLEY27 Feb 18140
120Marmaduke BRAMLEY17 Jun 184361
#Marmaduke BRAMLEY10 Jan 190079
#Mary BRAMLEY23 Mar 181157
#Mary BRAMLEY3 Feb 183417
#Mary BRAMLEY30 Mar 184771
#Mary Ann BRAMLEY29 May 18546
3163Mary Ann BRAMLEY12 May 186946
861Mary Ann BRAMLEY18 May 191421
#Miles BRAMLEY7 Apr 175762
861Robert BRAMLEY4 Dec 191168
#Rose BRAMLEY-12 Feb 173067
#Sarah BRAMLEY22 Mar 18510
3125Sarah BRAMLEY12 Apr 189850
#William BRAMLEY20 May 171972
#William BRAMLEY13 Apr 1833< 1
#William BRAMLEY18 Mar 183692
#William BRAMLEY25 Jul 183865
#William BRAMLEY25 Mar 184767
#'William BRAMLEY4 Jun 18510
133William BRAMLEY11 Apr 186152
#William BRAMLEY20 Sep 186471
3163William BRAMLEY9 Jan 188480
2049William BRAMLEY- 
#William Arthur BRAMLEY18 May 190342
Calverley Info comprises an excellent and comprehensive collection of historical and genealogical information pertaining to Nidderdale in Yorkshire. Burial Records may be accessed using the links below and may be searched by holding down Ctrl and pressing F then typing in the Surname to be searched for.
The many other Records contained in Calverley Info may also be Searched similarly and, for a more general enquiry, the Calverley Info has its own Vital Records Database Search [Link]

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St. Thomas a'Becket Past Portal

Plot Location

Church of St. Thomas a'Becket, Church Lane, Hampsthwaite, Harrogate, HG3 2HB

Bramley Name Meaning
English (North Midlands): habitational name from any of various places (in Derbyshire Hampshire Surrey Yorkshire and elsewhere) named Bramley from Old English brōm ‘broom gorse’ + lēah ‘woodland clearing’.
Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
Similar surnames: